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"Where's your girlfriend Channie?" Lia teases, but instantly regrets her words based on the look I gave her

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"Where's your girlfriend Channie?" Lia teases, but instantly regrets her words based on the look I gave her.

"Trouble in paradise?" She then tries again to joke.

"Not today, please Lia." I frown.

This is the last thing I need. I don't want to be explaining my business to anyone, especially right now.

I sat down and grabbed my phone to see if she replied. 


"Did you upset Y/N again Hyung?" Hyunjin nudged, half jokingly. Standing in front of me.

"It's complicated." I mumbled back, looking up at him.

His face dropped from a teasing grin to concern.

"I'm a bit worried." I tell him frankly, and he looked taken aback by my sudden outburst, not sure what to do with himself.

"Shall I get Han?" He whispers, not wanting to deal with a potentially upset kangaroo.

"No, no. It's fine. It doesn't affect Hannie." I smile weakly back, then get up to get out of the conversation.

Bin and I kept exchanging disconcerting looks at each other throughout the practice. 

We were both very much not present, and annoyingly, everyone noticed.

"What's going on with you two?" Lee Know moans as Bin and I stood to the side together in the break.

"Nothing, Hyung. We are fine." Changbin replies almost too quickly.

Lee Know narrows his eyes at us in suspicion.

"It better be nothing." He playfully threatens, and as he leaves, Bin looked at me like he just got away with murder.

"It's okay. We will hear from her tomorrow.. Right?" I state, hoping Bin would agree with my presumption.

He nodded, but didn't look too convincing.

I put my phone down and we gathered again for the last bit of practice.

As we got back to the dorm, I went straight to my room. I was going to work on a bit more music, but I just had a massive urge to call Y/N.

I picked up my phone, but I see I have a message from the manager about an hour ago.

Sorry to message you so late Chan but I have just been told your friend was AWOL from class this evening.. They tried calling her multiple times but it just kept ringing out. For some reason they didn't take an emergency contact so that's why I'm letting you know, as it's your friend..'

"What the fuck?" I say out loud.

I hold my phone in my hand and walk out my room to Bins.

He looks at me confused as I barge in unannounced, handing him the phone.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now