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If that's not rubbing it in his face, I don't know what is.

"Bin, I feel awful." I whine. Leaning against the unit.

"Seriously, we shouldn't have done that." I frown at him.

"Yeah, as much as it was hot, I agree. Bit of a dick move from me." He sighed, giving me a worried look.

I don't know what to do with myself now.

I should most definitely talk to him, but not right now. It's too fresh.

I take a breath. I can't stay here.

"I think I should go home. I've got my lesson later, but I'll stay away for the time being. It's maybe for the best." I decide in a panic, with Bin deep in thought, looking back at me.

"You'll stay away?" He questions my wording, almost worried that I'm taking drastic measures.

"Yes. I think I shouldn't be here. At least not for the rest of the week."

"..Chan will get over it." Bin tries to reassure me.

"Whether he does or not, I think I should just create a bit of distance. We can text and video call, I just think being here is a bad idea." I stressed.

I begin to walk off out of the kitchen but Changbin stuck his arm out to stop me.

"What's on your mind?" He mouths, staring me directly in the eyes.

I don't want to hurt him. But I don't want to lie to him either.

"I don't know, Bin.

I don't think this.. Three way thing.. Is going to work anymore. Not after today and last night. There's too many emotions in the air. It's volatile.

There's no longevity in it. I wasn't sure there was any to begin with, but I know for sure.. It's hit a dead end now." My voice cracks. It's all a bit too much. I thought I could handle it, but I'm struggling.

He stares back at me blankly.

"What are you saying, Peach?" He whispers, bringing his hand up to my face to stroke it, furrowing his brow slightly.

"I.. think we need to end it.. All." I falter, feeling tears build in my eyes.

"Y/N." Bin frowned back.

"I mean it, I think it's for the best. It's not fair for someone to be hurting all the time. That's all it feels like right now. Like a third wheel for someone. It's not even."

That someone being Chan. He is always getting the shit end of the stick and it's not fair. No matter what he has done in the past, he doesn't deserve it.

Tears begin to fall and they ran through Changbins fingers. He brought his lips to mine in a soft kiss, and as he pulled away he leant his forehead against mine.

"Don't be silly now. I don't know what I'd do without you." He mumbles.

I pull away and look into his eyes. They are filled with his own tears ready to fall.

It broke my heart knowing I would hurt him, but it'll only get worse if we prolong it.

"Just give it a couple of days. Don't be thinking such things right now, okay?" He urged.

I sighed and nodded to make him happy.

I took hold of his hands and removed them from my face, then turned to leave the kitchen.

Going from butterflies to break ups so quickly was too much for me to register. I just needed to get out of here.

I packed everything of mine that I could see, and then composed myself, before knocking on Hans door.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now