Silence Is A Scary Sound

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I'm trying my best to keep it in, but it's hard

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I'm trying my best to keep it in, but it's hard.

Knowing she is leaving, she will push us away. The way it fell with what happened to us has maybe just tipped her over the edge yesterday as well. Hence the drinking.

I can't imagine the weight she's been carrying because of it.

There was knock on my door and I called to come in.

Bin stood there looking deflated, and he doesn't even know the full picture yet. It will hit him hard.

"Bro.. I don't know what to do with myself. It's all my fault. If I kept my dick in my pants then she wouldn't have felt so bad." He whines, laying down on my bed.

"It's not your fault. There are other factors to her decision." I mumble as I pat his shoulder to comfort him.

Bin looks at me confused.

"It should really come from her." I look at him and he stares back in panic.

"Just tell me." He urged.

"Last night, she said she was offered a job as an interpreter in media."

"Oh, is that not what she wanted? That's good, no?" Bin gives me a quizzical look while I give an empty stare back.

"It's in London." 

"London?!" He gets up and looks at me wide eyed.

"She's been worried about money, Bin. If I'd have known I would have helped her. I didn't think she'd be looking at jobs in the UK though, but if it's a good opportunity, we can't knock her for going for it.

We have until next Sunday to say our goodbyes. Then she's gone." I sigh. 

Changbin takes a seat back on the bed.

"Is it dramatic of me to say I feel like my heart has been ripped out?" He mumbles, looking at his hands. 

"You'd have to change your name to Hyunjin." I tap him with my foot to tease him.

I stare at him as he fixates on the lines in his palm, and I watch as tears drip off his nose.

We hear the door go and we both prick our heads towards my door.

"Hannie?"  I call out, hoping he would come in.

My door then slowly opens, and it's a sight that never fails to break my heart.

Han is stood there with red teary eyes and a pink nose.

I let out a huff of air from my nose and get up from my bed, walking up to Han to hug him.

"I'm so upset, Hyung." He cries into my shoulder.

"I know, we all are." I rub his back to comfort him.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now