No regrets

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Fuck I am so uncomfortable

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Fuck I am so uncomfortable.

I can really only remember snippets of what happened last night, or rather this morning.

It was fun, but very alcohol fuelled.

The funny thing is, though.. Chan can't even blame alcohol. He literally had one drink.

Did he know what was going to happen? I was like a fucking bike. I think everyone had a piece of me, and although I don't have regrets, I'm worried it will be awkward when I see them again. 

No.. It shouldn't do. What ever happened in that room, stays in that room.. I'm sure? But I should probably prepare myself in case it is.

I pulled myself out of bed and slipped on one of Chans t-shirts, and then made a pained walk to the kitchen.

I stumbled against the doorway as I entered the room, still a bit drunk I think.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself as I lost my footing, and then I spot Hyunjin and Hongjoong at the table drinking coffee.

"Hi pretty lady." Hyunjin smiles, then gets up to put a cup on the coffee machine for me.

"Morning." I whisper, stretching my arms out as I approach them both.

"How are you feeling?" Hyunjin asks innocently, but my grimace then reminds him of many reasons why I might not feel too cracky.

"Forget I even asked." He raises his hands as if to ask for forgiveness.

I perch on the seat and a wave of pain shoots up me, very much displaying the discomfort with my face.

"You're not the only one with a tender ass-" Hongjoong quips to be funny, but Hyunjin smacks him to silence him.

Hyunjin then flushes from embarrassment and I fail to contain my smile as images of him and Bin flash in my head.

"You enjoyed it didn't you? Surely that's all that matters.. You could have fun with him again-"

"-It'll not happen again. Trust me." He then defies, but Hongjoong and I make eye contact and start snickering.

"Morning." Changbin then enters the room, and my eyes just gravitate straight to Hyunjins face. He was a picture.

"What's wrong?" Bin then quizzes, noticing an awkward vibe instantly.

Hyunjin just sighs, knowing someone will out him either way.

Bin walks over towards Hyunjin, then stands behind him, placing his hands on his shoulders with a look of mischief.

He then crouches down to his level to speak into his ear.

"Look, sex is sex. I had fun and I have no regrets. You shouldn't either, as long as.. you enjoyed it." Bin speaks casually, then straightening his back.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now