High Spirits

718 30 29

Authors note:
I know it's not Sunday but I'm too impatient. 😂

We walked out of the bathroom together and Jake and Felix were stood chatting outside

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We walked out of the bathroom together and Jake and Felix were stood chatting outside. I think they both needed to use the toilet.

As they noticed us exit, we both stood there like a deer in the headlights.

"I'm not saying anything." Jake smirked, then brushed past us to use the bathroom.

"You both having fun?" Felix teased, making Chan shoulder barge him.

"I'm going to get a drink.. Of water." I declared, and Chan winked at me as I walked off.

Definitely in need of something not as.. mind corrupting.

I walked into the kitchen and I saw Bin, Yeonjun and Wooyoung standing and laughing.

"Ah, Y/N. You are so pretty!" Wooyoung excitedly runs up to me slurring, holding my hands to admire me.

"Thank you." I blush at his sudden compliment, and Bin pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me. 

"Is she your girl?" Yeonjun asks Bin directly, and he shakes his head. "Technically, she broke up with me, but I'm pretty sure she is with Chan still." Bins drunken word vomit left Yeonjun and Wooyoung puzzled, looking at me to somehow explain in further detail.

"Huh?" I quizzed. I understood what he said, but maybe if I play dumb then we can graze over this topic.

"Polyamory." Bin then enunciated, and I back handed him to shush him. Not helping.

Yeonjun then nodded as he understood, then smirked at me.

"Who is this from then?" Yeonjun takes my left hand and fiddles with the ring on my finger. He has such a sensual aura, and he knew what he was doing.

"Both." I plainly stated, then smiled back at him.

"Okay. I get it. Fair enough." He smiles, then letting go of my hand.

I looked around the room and frowned.

"I forgot what I came in here for." I mumbled to myself, and Wooyoung handed me a glass of water. 

"Ah! How did you know?" I asked him innocently.

"Well, it wouldn't be more alcohol. You've had enough." He teases, tapping the tip of my nose. 

I playfully rolled my eyes at him and he winked at me.

"Adios amigos." I walk away from the group and they all wave bye to me.

Well, that's a conversation I could have done without.

I walked into the living room and I see Han absolutely steaming.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now