New Normal

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"Soo, how was your first day?" Alex asks while we walk back towards the apartment building

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"Soo, how was your first day?" Alex asks while we walk back towards the apartment building.

"It was incredible! But there's so much to remember. I just know I'll forget some things." I whine.

"Ah, you'll be fine.

Tell me, are you engaged? I noticed your ring yesterday and it looked too expensive to be just a normal ring."

Ah shit.

"How observant. Uh.. It's a promise ring. I was really close to.. someone in Korea." I smile at him, hoping he would just leave it there.

"What's their name?" He quizzes.


"His name's Chan." I smile.

"Oh, cute. Will you be going to visit him?" He then questions.

"Yeah, in February-"

"-Ah, that's when I'm going to Korea to see my boyfriend! Are you going around Valentines time?" Alex then excitedly beams.

"Yeah, that's when I was thinking." I giggled back.

"Your boyfriend?" I then add after realising what he said.

"Yeah! His names Yaejoon." Alex then smiled.

"I met him on a trip last year, and I visit him every 2 months. I hope to get a job posting out there but they don't make it easy for you. I save my visa for the spring time as well, but it's working for us so far so I can't complain." Alex then explains, and I can't help but find his situation fairly similar to mine. We will have something we can relate to.

"That's so cute. I only met Chan in November, but it got pretty intense quite quickly.."

"Ah, you find that with Koreans. It's all or nothing." Alex chuckled.

Hm.. Well, not quite, Alex. But I'm not getting into that with him.

"I think people expect a whole kdrama experience with their idol biases, like Katy and Lucinda. I swear if they can't marry a member of Stray Kids, they will just marry each other. Their expectations of men are just unreachable thanks to those guys." Alex then laughs, and I join in, but shit, I am treading on dangerous territory.  

"Have you got a photo of Chan?" He then asks out of curiosity.

"I.. don't actually." I hesitate. Fuck.

"How can you not.. Wait. Is he real?" Alex then playfully accuses me of making him up.

"No, I promise he's real.. I just.. Haven't got photos of him." I grimace.

"What about social media?" He then suggests, but I shake my head.

"You're not convincing me here, Y/N." Alex smirks.

"Okay, okay. I'll just leave it there. When are you next speaking to your fake boyfriend then?" He teases.

"He's not fake! But Saturday more than likely. Just because of the time difference." I sigh, and Alex just smiles at me. He really doesn't believe me, but I'd rather that than him know who Chan is.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now