Fool Proof

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My alarm wakes me from my dreamless slumber.

I am knackered. My anxiety clearly affecting me not just when I'm awake.

I throw on my outfit and do one last fit check.

I throw on my outfit and do one last fit check

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I grab a cap and a hair tie.

There you go. It's crazy what hair up, and a hat does to a look.

I couldn't help but think I was definitely looking like I didn't want to be recognised though.

Hopefully it doesn't do the opposite, and draw attention to me.

My phone pinged a couple of times.

Han and Chan each sent me a text.

I click on Hans first.

Hannie: Good luck today bestie. I am sure you will be fine but if there are any problems let me know💖

What a sweetie pie.

Me: Thank you Hannie. I am sure I will be fine but you never know.

Then onto Chans message.

Chan: If you have any issues let me know immediately. I can get someone to pick you up anytime you need😘

Me: I will. I'm sure I'll be fine though.

I grab my bag and make my way outside and towards the bus stop. I couldn't help but feel super paranoid in case someone saw me. I'm probably overthinking it, but I had an awful feeling in my gut..

As I got to my first class I ran to my seat and sunk myself into my chair.

"Hi Y/N, did you get up to much during the holidays?" My classmate Becky questioned.

"Uh.. no, not really.. Pretty boring to be honest..

How was yours?" I hoped I pulled that off naturally. I then take my water bottle to my mouth as a distraction.

"Mine was fine, I did however get a chance to see Stray Kids in one of the clubs that I went in!.. I couldn't believe my luck!" She squealed.

I choked on my water.

Fuck. People are looking at me.

"Oh.. That's cool! I've never met any of my favourite idols the whole time I have lived here.." I lie through my teeth.. This is the worst possible conversation I could have right now.

"I managed to get some photos of them too! Do you wanna see?" She excitedly shoves her phone in my face.

Oh no..

Okay, that ones fine. That must have been when I was with Hyunjin as I can't see myself at all.

She flicks to the next one.

Shit, you can see the back of me in that one. But I guess I'm hard to notice? Considering there's other strangers in the frame.

She then giggles and swipes again, looking at me for my reaction.


There I am.

Plain as day.

"..Oh cool.. You're so lucky!" I beam at her. Please ground, swallow me up.

"What are they like?" She lowers her voice for just our ears. Smirking at me.

"I don't know-"

"-Cut the bullshit, Y/N.. I know that is you with them." She deadpans.

Fuck.. What do I do??

My heart pounds out of my chest.
I just exhale and look at her. I think I'm best just not saying anything at this rate.

She glances down to my table.. At my phone.

In a split second she makes a grab for it, a millisecond quicker than me. Two other classmates hook their arms around me and hold me back.

I struggle to grab it off her. She then grips my wrist and holds my finger out to unlock my phone.

"Fucking give it back. You have no right to look on my phone!" I snap at her, struggling to get it off her.

Other people in the class look over to see the commotion and I am on the brink of tears.

"Clearly there's things you don't want me to see!" She sings out like a

"Oh my god!!! You've been texting Bang Chan and Han Jisung?!" She screams out.

One of my male classmates near her approaches her and swiftly takes the phone from her hands, holding it high.

"Give it back!" She reaches out trying to take it back.

"It's not yours." He snaps, shoving her with minimal effort away from him.

"She's been fucking members of StrayKids! There's photos everywhere of her with them, she is a whore!!" She hisses at me.

"What she does with who, is actually none of anyones business. Get a life instead of trying to ruin someone elses." He defends.

"Y/N, is there someone you want me to call? I think it's best to skip todays lesson. I can tell the teacher for you." He asks me directly while the other classmates watch on.

"Uh, yeah, the first contact on the messages.. Please."

He holds my phone to his ear.

"Hello? This is Y/Ns classmate, Brendan.

Can you pick her up please? It's best if she isn't here today with what has just happened.." He stated.

"She will explain..

Okay, thank you."

Brendan ends the call, then barges past the girls near my desk, staring threateningly in their eyes. They lose grip of me and Brendan grabs hold of my stuff.

He takes my arm and guides me out of the room, towards some benches near the door.

"You should chill out a bit. He said he won't be long.."

"Thank you, Brendan." I feel my body begin to relax, but my voice was still shaky from the adrenaline.

"No problem.

Here, text me and I can send you the stuff you missed today." He types in my phone and then hands it back to me.

"I better head back in there, but try not to worry. It'll calm down eventually." He patted my shoulder and gave me a sincere smile.

As he re-entered the room, I burst into tears.

That couldn't have gone any worse.


My phone then rings in my hand.

"Hi Chan." I mumble.

"Hi baby, I'm outside in a black SUV." Chan softly spoke.

"Can you not be directly outside? I can imagine someone peaking out the window.." I whine, feeling myself get upset again.

"Okay, I'll get the driver to go around the corner."

"Okay, see you in a second." I hang up and rush out the door, not looking back.

Once I get to the car, I open the door and I see Chan smiling back at me.

I climb into the car, and collapse in his arms.

"Shh.. We can talk about it when we get back. It'll only make me want to go in there and knock them all out. For their safety it's best to wait." He smiled down at me and kissed my head. His threats along with his sweet voice were a funny contrast.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now