p o l y a m o r y

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I sat with Hannie on the sofa, just watching anything that was on the TV at the time, and he had eventually nodded off while laying on me.

After Lee Know left, we didn't mention what had happened. 

I have no idea whether it would be a one off or not, but I wouldn't mind either way.

I just want everyone to be happy.

The door opened and Chan, Bin and Hyunjin all walked in, and as they entered the room and noticed Han asleep, all hushed each other not to wake him.

Changbin walked over and melted at the sight of him asleep like that, and he bent down to pick him up.

He disappeared out of the room to put him to bed, and Hyunjin took his place on the seat next to me.

I looked up at Chan and puckered my lips, and he seemed surprised that I wanted a kiss.

He lowered himself to peck my lips, and then smiled warmly at me for a few seconds. 

He didn't ask what happened, but I can tell he sensed it was a lot. 

He took a seat near me and Hyunjin wrapped his arm around me almost to claim me.

"Y'know she's really just here for us.." He teased Chan, and Chan jokingly raised his hands as if to accept that fact.

"Hang on, 

I don't see you planning dates with Y/N!" He then playfully spat back, changing his mind on accepting defeat.

"Woah, sorry mister 'romantic'.." Hyunjin provoked him, but flinched as Chan got up from the chair to shut him up.

Chan took my hands and pulled me up from the sofa.

"What have you planned for me?" I fluttered my eyelashes at him, and he gave me a cheeky smile in return.

"It's a surprise, but I promise you will love it."

Bin walked back in the room and pulled me away from Chan suddenly, and Hyunjins face was a picture of betrayal.

"When can my peach spend some time with me and Hyunie?" He bit his lip.

"Ohh!" I gasped as I was suddenly lifted up and held by my legs.

I looked over at Chan and he cleared his throat, almost hinting at Bin to watch it.

"It's only fair that Chan has my attention now.. especially after tonight." I let him down gently, and he nodded like he understood.

It's Valentines in two days, and I know Chan has planned things. 

I don't want to overstep the mark, so unless he is involved, or comfortable with it, then I wont do it, although this promise ring is also from Bin, so maybe it's not as much of an issue as I think..

I was lowered to my feet, and then kissed Changbin on his cheek.

"Night, Binnie." I smiled, then bent down to do the same to Hyunjin. 

"Night pretty lady." He gave me a bready smile, and I pinched his cheek.

I walked off with Chan to his room, and he sat on his bed.

"What's happened? Everyone wants a piece of me." I joked, and Chan hummed in acknowledgement.

"That's the Y/N effect." He chuckled, pulling me to stand between his legs.

"Everyone has fallen in love with you, I think." He added, holding my hands and rubbing circles in my palms.

"Have you fallen for everyone as well?" He asked quietly, with a hint of apprehension in his tone.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now