Good Deeds

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I woke up to Chan lifting me off the sofa

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I woke up to Chan lifting me off the sofa. 

I must have been knackered.

Han and Hyunjin stayed completely knocked out on the sofa, and Changbin was sat on his phone, then as he noticed I was awake, he blew me a kiss good night.

I wrapped my arms around Chan as we got comfy in bed, and I resumed my sleepy state, happily drifting off again.


I could hear giggling, and opened my eyes to see Chan sat on his phone laughing about something.

"What's so funny?" I croaked at him, and he panicked, dropping his phone as I startled him.

"Sorry, I just couldn't sleep. Look at this." He passed me his phone and it was a reel of a crackhead cat running around the place, and someone had done a voice over of it, like it was talking to the filmer. I'll give him that, though. It was pretty funny.

"Do you want a drink?" He offers, but unusually for me with it being so early, I wanted something more from him.

I travelled my hand down to him and he bit his lip.

"Okay, that's fine by me." He smirked, moving down the bed, between my legs and pulling down my sleep shorts.

He softly kissed my stomach then wet his fingers, slipping them inside to stimulate me.

I felt tingles as he touched me, and I looked down to him, meeting his glassy and needy eyes.

His breath followed mine as he built up my desire, and when he was satisfied I was desperate for his cock, he pulled up his weight, then slowly pushed inside me.

Part of the point of using a dildo was so I didn't notice the absence of something so big inside me, and I'm so glad I thought ahead like that. There was no discomfort, just pure pleasure as he gradually filled me up with his size.

"Fuck, I've missed your cock." I uttered, and he leant into me to kiss me.

He was taking it slow, which was unusual for him, and I gave him a curious look.

"Sorry, it's just been a while. You feel so good." He let out a breathy chuckle, and my look turned to confusion.

"Have you not been.. Uh.." I hesitated, not wanting to use such a direct term, then feeling myself blush for asking him such a thing.

"No.. no I haven't really.. Other than when we video called.. I maybe did 2-3 times on top of that.." He explained, then sucked air through his teeth as the sensation was clearly intense for him.

"Just fuck me, Chan. It's okay. Nothing wrong with a quickie." I smiled at him, biting my lip as my words of encouragement spurred him on.

He began pumping into me, hitting the right spot instantly.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now