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Today is the day I fly to Korea.

I have been prepping ever since I booked the flights in the beginning of January, and I have planned out every single outfit for morning and evening for all 10 days.

I wish I could've booked more, but work doesn't let you have more than 10 days consecutively. Which is annoying.

Harley dropped me off at the airport and I checked in. I'm buzzing to see everyone again. The time has flown by, but I hope I haven't missed too much in the two months I've been gone.

 The time has flown by, but I hope I haven't missed too much in the two months I've been gone

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Todays the day Y/N flies to Korea!

I have been going through every single scenario in my head with her. Everything I've planned.. I just want it all perfect for her.

I have been hitting the gym loads with Bin, getting in the best shape possible for her.

I'm just buzzing with excitement to see her after so long.

Time has really dragged without her, but I've made the most of it. Our comeback is prepped and recorded already, and now it's just promo stuff until Hyde park and I-days.

I'd love to take Y/N with me to Italy.

I wonder if she'd be able to go?

Maybe if I ask her now, she can get some time off work to come.
Italy is only a few hours from the UK, so it shouldn't be too disruptive for her. We shall see.

One of our staff suggested driving to pick up Y/N, which was nice, and when we got to the airport I text her the point we were parked at.

I watched out the window eagerly for her arrival, and as I saw her amongst the crowd, my heart skipped a beat. I can't believe she's here. I've missed her so much.

The windows are tinted in this car, but that didn't stop me smiling like an idiot at her as she approached the car.

The boot opened automatically and the staff jumped out to help her put her case in the boot. I so wish I can do a romantic airport embrace as we reunite, but it's just not possible. I don't want any scandals and I know for sure that's the last thing she would want to risk.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now