One day

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The drive was silent.

Chan comforted me as much as he could while he was seething.

Holding me loosely around the waist with one hand, intertwined fingers with the other.

I tried to arrange the words in my head to explain what happened, but I could feel myself getting worked up over every detail.

The way they fucking man handled me like I was an animal, and the way she ridiculed me in front of everyone.

I'm not a whore..

Am I?

What defines a whore anyway?

Sleeping around?

I've literally slept with two people in like, a year.

Yes, they've both been since last week, but still. That is not sleeping around.

But even if I was sleeping around.. Who does she think she is? Using outdated insults based on someones sex life. No one has that right. Not in this day and age. People need to get a life and stop judging everyone else's.

She's just jealous.


"She's just jealous" Chan echoes.

I zoned out, laid on the sofa next to him.

"..I can't disregard everything she says just because she's jealous, though." I mumble. Nuzzling into his chest.

"Y/N. She doesn't know you. She doesn't know us.

The only thing that matters right now, is us." Chan affirmed, stroking my hair.

I let out a sigh.

"I need to show her that I am not one to mess with." I huff.

I have always been a bit of a pushover, but in this case, I am not letting someone like that overpower me.

"Good. Maybe it's best you do your studies this week remotely though, yeah?" He suggests.

"What? I can't do that. That would be letting them win. I will be back tomorrow." I sit up slightly, making eye contact with him. I'm dead serious.

"I will only worry about you though baby. I'd feel better if you were here." Chan creased his brow slightly.

"I'll be fine. Anyway.. Brendan doesn't take shit, so if anything happens, I'm sure he will step in again." I beam at Chan.

I felt Chans body tense up.

"..What?" I quiz Chans reaction. Does he not like me talking about Brendan?

"I'm happy there's someone looking out for you, but what if he has other ideas?" Chan is screaming insecurity right now, but I'd probably be the same.

"I'm happy there's someone looking out for you, but what if he has other ideas?" Chan is screaming insecurity right now, but I'd probably be the same

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I know what guys are like.

No doubt after today he will start messaging Y/N.

Not that I don't trust her.. I just don't trust him.

Unless he proves me wrong.. But I won't be there to see any of it.. So I guess I'll just have to take Y/Ns word for it.

"This is the first time he has spoken to me since I started the course, so I don't really know him. But.. I'm sure I'd have found out by now if he had an interest in me." She states frankly. Her maturity made my lips curl into a smile. I didn't expect her to be so flippantly direct about it, but it made me feel like I could really trust her word.

"Trust me though, Chan.." Y/N starts while twisting her body so her chest is pressed against me.

"..I'm not going to let what happened today affect me. It's bad enough that it's on social media.. But those people are hiding behind screens. I'm really not going to put up with face to face torment like that again." She confidently finishes.

Her words were inspiring, but I couldn't help but feel a heaviness in my heart. Knowing I couldn't defend her myself.

I placed a peck on her lips and she blushed in front of me, hiding her face in the crook of my neck.

"..What's the plan with the winter shows then?" She changes topic.

"Urm.. Well, there's going to be a JYP Nation stage at the SBS Gayo Daejeon. We are doing a mashup song with Twice-"

"-Oh my god! Which songs?!" She interrupts with excitement.

I chuckle back at her.

"Merry and Happy, and 24 to 25.." It'll be a seated performance. It sounds pretty good mixed as well.. Better than I thought it would.." I add, smirking at how giddy she is.

"I can't wait to see it! It will be incredible!" She gushes, wiggling on top of me.

"We are also doing a cover of Got7s 'Confession song' with Itzy..

..And there's a couple of collaborations between Day6 and Xdinary Heroes, and Nmixx and NiziU. It'll be a fun night." I beam. I couldn't wait to show Y/N what we could do.

"Oh! I almost forgot! There's a special reunion stage with members of Wonder Girls performing a song with 2pm! It's a highly anticipated one-off stage."

"Holy shit! That's huge!!" She gasps.

"I know! I grew up with these people so it's amazing to be able to witness it all as an idol myself!" I cheesy smile back at her. It was so satisfying knowing she shared my excitement.

"Is it all just vocal practice and arrangement? Or will there be a little choreo?" She enquires again.

"There's some minimal choreo for 'Confession Song' but it's mainly looking at the stage arrangement.

We are filming a couple of Christmas special dance practices as well as that though.."

"Oh, cute! I can't wait to see them!" She beams back at me, then resting her head on my chest.

She lays there for a second, until her phone vibrates from a notification.

She tilts her head up to look, and I catch a glimpse of what it was.


I shifted in my seat so I didn't see what was said, but by Y/Ns reaction, I soon relaxed again.

"He's saved some extra notes for me from today.. I said I'd get them tomorrow." She casually stated, while locking her phone and putting it on the arm of the sofa

"That's nice of him.." I force my words.

I swear if he tries to make a move. I'll knock him out.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now