Too Much

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"Channie! Come and dance!" I cry out to him in drunken desperation

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"Channie! Come and dance!" I cry out to him in drunken desperation.

"Nooo!" He whines back.

"C'mon! Don't be boooring." I tease.

He laughs at my pleas and gives in, trudging over towards the packed dance floor.

He takes my hands and I close in on his space, swaying my hips with the music. 

Chan spins me around and pulls me closer to him by my waist. 

I take the opportunity to grind my ass against him. I laugh at how bold I have become with him, but I fail to think of the repercussions of my actions, that is, until I feel a strong hand grip the back of my head and he slips his hand up my skirt to get a feel of me through my underwear.

"I'll get you back for this.." He purrs into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

Fuck. Well, he's just one-upped me.

He loosens his grip on my hair and I take the opportunity to spin back round to face him.

His face was smug and he had a daring glint in his eyes.

He took one of my hands and lightly kissed the back of it, before making his way off the dance floor and back to the booth.

I had so many thoughts running through my mind of Chan. The alcohol making it worse. 

I think this is when our impromptu night out should end.

Felix and I were the only ones of the group still with energy at this point, and everyone else bar Chan looked like they were ready for bed, so we made the judgement call to head back to the booth and get some taxis booked.

Chan helped drunken I.N, Seungmin and Lee Know into a taxi with Felix, and so we were left with equally as inebriated Changbin, Han and Hyunjin in our taxi.

"Channie Hyung, you need to uh.. Be careful.." Hyunjin mumbled.

"Why do I need to be careful?" Chan quizzes.

"What if someone saw you close to Y/N? In the club.." He slurs again.

Ah fuck, he's right. 

Chan looked at me slightly worried, but then shrugged his shoulders casually.

"Meh, we will survive." He flippantly states, then winking at me.

I was clearly more anxious than Chan, knowing full well how some fans and solo stans can behave when rumours come out..

I snapped out of my trance after Chan placed a comforting hand  on my thigh, and soon after the taxi came to a stop.

We thanked the driver and climbed out the car, then making our way to the dorm.

I had soon sobered up from the drive, but the others were in loopy land singing Muddy Water acapella.

When we got in we helped them into their beds and left a glass of water next to them.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now