Worst is yet to come

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"..Well? Tell us, then.. The whole class is waiting.." He speaks in a condescending tone.

The fucking teacher.

"I.." I start, but nothing but air comes out after. Shit.

"..Wait.. Yes, I know.. But this is not tolerated.."I hear the teacher again.

"Calm down Y/N.."  His tone shifts to concern.

My heart drops.

Y/N is hysterical in the background and I hear shouting and screaming through the speaker, before the phone cuts off.

I feel a heat inside me just boiling over. Fuck, I can't just sit here.

I jump out the car and sprint towards the front door.

Just as I go to grab the door handle, the door swings open.

Y/Ns teary eyes meet mine, but she isn't herself.

She looked absolutely distraught. Tears streaming down her face as she runs towards the main gate.

"I can't breathe!" She cries as she holds her chest, swaying her body as she becomes disorientated.

"You haven't got your mask on, Chan.." She whines between breaths, collapsing to the ground.

"Hey!.. It's okay.." I run towards her to try catch her as she falls.

"..Just slow and deep breaths Y/N. 

It's okay, I'm here.. 

I will count for you..." I sit opposite her, taking her hands and she just balls in front of me.

"One.. Two... Three... That's it, baby.. Four.."

Our attention is directed back to the door as Brendan then bursts out.

"Oh for gods sake.." Y/N exhales shakily.

"It's okay, you can go back inside!" I yell at Brendan, hoping he will just fuck off.

"I have your phone and bag. That's completely out of order from that teacher.. " He moans as he approaches us.

Yeah I agree mate, but can you like, piss off?

I throw a confused look at him as he closes in on Y/N with concern.

"Mate, it's fine, I'm helping her.. She's having an anxiety attack.." I say again with a bit more frustration in my voice.

He completely blanks me.

"Y/N, do you need me to call an ambulance?" Brendan asks, almost making a move to touch her.

"Am I fucking invisible?! I said I'm here for her. Thank you for whatever you did, but this is where your help ends.." I spit back, locking eyes with him.

"Do I know you? I recognise your face.." He completely ignores my request, again, but diverts his attention to me.

"I've never met you in my life." I turn to face him slightly, trying not to take his bait for confrontation. My blood is boiling.

Y/N tightly squeezed my hands and I shot my eyes back at her, instantly diffusing my anger.

"I.. I need to get out of here.." She mumbles, almost in confusion.

Brendan positions himself between us and holds his jacket out with his arms, like a barrier.

"We have an audience.." He justifies his actions with some shitty news. This is the last thing we fucking need. I can only imagine people filming and taking photos..

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now