The Comedown

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I sat with Han on the sofa, watching an old animated series called 'The Last Airbender' on Netflix, when we heard the door go

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I sat with Han on the sofa, watching an old animated series called 'The Last Airbender' on Netflix, when we heard the door go.

We watched in anticipation as footsteps approach.

Bin peaks his head into the room.

I clamber to my feet and run up to him.

"What happened?" I whisper close to him. I could tell anger was still lingering around him.

He cracked a small smile.

"I found him. He's on his way back now." He smiled weakly at me, then awkwardly held himself like he wanted to be on his own for a bit.

"Go chill out, okay?" I gently push him and he floats into the hallway, nodding subtly at me.

As I watch him disappear into his room, I walk back over to the sofa, giving Han an awkward smile.

"He is angry." Han mumbles while fixating back to the TV screen.

I lay my head on Hans lap, facing the telly.

"They will get over it though. They always do." He rubs my arm gently, sensing the worried thoughts that were filling my mind.

"I think I'll stay at mine tonight." I let out, deflated.

"Yeah? We can play on pubg then? With you being here all the time I've hardly played it." Han chuckles to himself.

"Woah! You prefer me not being here do ya?" I playfully retort back, patting him lightly on the cheek.

"You're my bestie! Of course I want you here!" He jokingly pouts back, whining to play along in our skit argument.

"Didn't sound like it just then!" I smirk, and as Han was about to throw something back, the door went.


My face dropped and I stared at the doorway.

He walked straight to his room.

Without saying anything.

"He's just feeling bad. I wont let it get to you." Han smiled, then pulling me back down to lay on the sofa.

Han then cleared his throat.

"I've been.. Uh.. Writing a song, but before I continue with it.. I wanted to ask if it was okay.." Han hesitantly starts. I can tell he has been trying to find the right time to ask whatever he is asking.

"..Go on.." I urge him to continue. I was nervous but curious about what he was going to say.

"..Well, it's about you and Channie.
..But it's not a very positive one." He grimaces.

"..Oh?" I process his words.

"Well, I wont question your lyricsm Hannie. I'm sure it's an incredible song." I smile genuinely.

He returns the same look, and we resume our positions on the sofa.

I check my phone to see the time and its 13:40.

"Shall we get lunch?" I ask while stretching my arms out.

"Hm.. Yes. We can go to the other dorm if you want to as well?" Han suggests.

"Ah that's a good idea!" I beam back.

I don't really see the others so it'll be nice to hang out.

"I'll see if Hyunjin wants to come, if you wanna check on Chan and Bin?" 

"Okie dokie." I jump to my feet, then making my way to Chans room.

I knock lightly before opening the door slowly.

Chan looks over at me from his desk, then taking off his headphones.

"Hi." I greet him with a small smile.

"Hi. Everything alright?" He asks, pulling a face like I have disturbed him.

I instantly felt like an inconvenience, and I awkwardly stood no further than a foot in his room.

"I just wanted to ask if you want to join Hannie and I at the other dorm? We were going to get lunch as well.."

I watch as he thinks about what I said, then shakes his head to decline the offer.

"No, it's alright." He mumbles back, then going to put his headphones back over his ears.

"I'm going home afterwards, so I'll see you probably on Thursday.." I rush as he then sighs, pausing to hear me speak again.

"Okay, I'll see you then." He smiles weakly at me, then looking back at his computer screen.

I deflate and leave his room. Pausing after I close the door.

Why is he acting like that? Just when I think we are going in a good direction.

I shake myself a little and then knock on Bins room, opening it the same way as I did Chans.

Bins face lit up. He was laying sideways on his bed with his laptop in front of him. As I walk into the room, he takes off his headphones.

"Hi Peach.. Is everything okay?" He adjusts himself and welcomes me to sit down on his bed.

"Hannie and I are going to the other dorm and we are gonna get lunch.. Did you want to come?" I ask him, soon forgetting how sad I felt after my encounter with moody Chan.

"Oh, I'm just working on music. You can survive without me, can't you?" He winks, smirking back at me.

"Oh I dont know.. I think I'll struggle.." I play along, pouting.

"Thank you for asking though. Did you ask Chan?" He smiles, then noticing my vibe change as he mentioned Chan.

"Uh.. Yeah he said the same as you. It's fine, though.

I'll be going back to my place after, so I'll see you on Thursday after my lesson?"

"Oh, okay. I will facetime you tonight if that's okay?" Bin asks, then moving his laptop out the way and edging closer to me.

"Of course it is." I smile back, and he pulls me into him for a small peck on the lips.

As we pull apart, he looks into my eyes.

"What happened today?" I frowned slightly while still staring back at him.

Bin created a little space and exhaled from his nose.

"Chan was actually going to hurt him. I'm disappointed that he didn't even think of the repercussions.. Just blinded by anger.." He frowned back.

"Thank you for stepping in Binnie." I take his hands, and his demeanor changes instantly in front of me.

Changbin leans in again for another kiss and I accept it, prolonging it just a little bit longer than I normally would.

We disconnect again and I smile, feeling butterflies in my belly.

"Don't miss me too much." Changbin teases, then waving to me as I leave his room.

"Are they not coming?" Han then appears with Hyunjin behind him, still dressing himself as he walks down the hallway.

I shake my head but maintain a small smile.

"To the domesticated animal dorm!" Han points, leading the way.

Hyunjin and I just giggle as we trail behind him.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now