Midnight 🥧

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Authors note: Okay... So a lot happens in this. I hope you enjoy 🫣 I tried to do what everyone wanted, but for the sake of the storyline, some things were too difficult to add. I hope it's not a disappointment for anyone😬 Just take your time. It's a 4.7k word count!

7k word count!--------------------------

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I felt the music take over me.

Fuck this is so intense.

Lee Knows hands were around my waist caressing my skin and he held us so close together, I could feel his breath on my neck.

Changbin from behind felt up my skirt to grope my ass, teasing a finger around my sensitive area.

Lia and Yeji watched in shock at how we were behaving, and I stuck my hand out to Yeji to come closer. I've never been close with another girl, but maybe it would take some pressure off me. She hesitated but took my hand and came over, almost a bit too naturally taking over Bins touches.

Lee Know witnessing this was turning him on. His breaths became heavier and he raised his hand to my neck, squeezing gently.

Hyunjin lingered around hesitantly as well, close enough for me to feel his warmth that was radiating off him. We are close friends, but there was an interest from early on that clearly hasn't gone away. I can tell he was worried in case it changes anything, but I knew it wouldn't. If anything happened tonight, it would just be a one off and forgotten about.

"You weren't kidding." Yeonjun chuckled to Bin, coming closer as our antics became intriguing to him as an outsider.

He boldly pulled me close to him, practically snatching me away from Lee Know. Seeing Lee Know get so territorial was sexy. As far as he was concerned, Yeonjun was a lot further down on the pecking order than him, and he asserted his position by slipping his fingers under me, watching me moan in front of him with his touch.

Yeonjun nodded and backed away a little to acknowledge it.

"Maybe we should take this to the bedroom?" Chan appeared next to us with dark eyes, causing Lee Know to break his gaze that had been locked to me for the past few minutes, and swiftly removed his fingers.

Above all else, Chan was on top. The alpha, so to speak.

He patted Hongjoong and Wooyoungs backs as we made our way to Chans room. It was a no brainer we'd use Chans room as it was the biggest, but this was a free for all now. God knows who's actually joining us.

We made our way to his room buzzing with anticipation.

Han smirked as he noticed me going and I playfully grimaced at him. He didn't care about this side of me. It was nice how non-judgy of a person he is, but when it's time to give his two cents he doesn't hesitate. A true friend.

Chan turned on some vibey hip hop music and watched as we appeared all together in front of him.

"We need to be open to what we want this to entail. Y/N, Yeji.. You are in control. Whatever you want, just say. I'm sure all the other guys agree that we are at your disposal.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now