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"Right, we are going now." Y/N announced, then picking up her bag.

Bin and I walk with them to the door.

There was a bit of awkward eye contact exchanging going on. Part of me wanted to kiss her goodbye, but I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Changbin, though, went in for a hug with no hesitation. Fuck.

She accepted it, and then looked at me to instigate the same farewell.

We embraced briefly and her sweet smell hit me like a truck. I wonder if Bin picked up on that as well?

"Have a good day!" Changbin shouts at the door, waving goodbye to the two as they make their way to the taxi.

I waved as well, but noticed how he was watching Y/N as she walked off.

He realised I was staring him out, but instead of calling me out on it, he just smirked in my face.

"What's that for?" I quizzed as we walked back in the dorm.

"If you're that worried, then you need to pull your finger out. She wont wait forever." He told me frankly.

"I know.." I rolled my eyes at him, dropping my weight on the sofa. He's always giving me a fucking grilling.

"There will come a time where she will need emotional support from a partner. You need to make sure she goes to you. If she comes to me, then I'm not being funny.. But that means it's gameover for you." He takes a seat next to me.

Maybe I will just have to leave it to her to make the right call. I can't assume she will want anything to do with me, as only she knows what she wants.

I zone out, thinking about his words and how deep they cut through me.

"You wanna write a song?" He suggests out of the blue, snapping me back into the room.

"I'm not sure I'm in the mood. Unless you wanna write a sad song?" I snorted at how pathetic I was being.

"What, like a sad love song?" He questions in seriousness. Wait, is he actually wanting to?

"I have a melody I've been thinking about using.." He then suggests.

Okay, we are doing this then.

We make our way to our recording equipment set up, and Changbin switches on his computer.

"Listen to this.." He urges, passing over some headphones.

I waited for the demo music to start playing. It was short but could easily repeat throughout the song.

It felt sentimental.

A soft acoustic, lofi tune that was slightly upbeat but laced with sadness. It was perfect and made me think of Y/N.

"I've written some lyrics for a rap, do you wanna hear?"

I gestured to him to go ahead, and he pulls up his notes tab on his phone.

"It's rough but..

This kind of regret must end with a lingering feeling,
The sadness before the pain, the emotion before that,
I'm not confident in life without you, this is my real intention, Because I couldn't reveal it, I spoke in a colder tone."

I stared blankly at Bin.

How can he hit the nail on the head? Is this about me and Y/N?

"I toyed with an english chorus too.. something like..

Oh baby, please don't leave me.. Or something like that.." He awkwardly scratched his head.

"What about.. Please don't hurt me? Don't make me cry?" I suggest.

"Is that not emotional manipulation?" He chuckles, while accepting my suggestion.

We continued going through some lyrics together, and phoned our friend Jun Seok for some input.

"Shall we record some guides?" I asked, and Bins face lit up.


"Shit, is that the time?" Changbin panicked.

"Why? What's happening?" I matched his panic thinking I've forgotten something important.

"I told Y/N I'd pick them up from the airport. Their flight was at 7pm, so will get in just after 8pm... I'll need to leave soon." He sits there calculating in his head when he might need to get ready.

I did forget something, or rather someone important. How did I not think of that?

"Oh.. Cool." I responded as nonchalantly as possible, but I was so pissed with myself.

"Should have got in there first Hyung.." He teased, knowing I'd be kicking myself.

"Yeah, yeah." I jabbed his arm to shut him up.

He got up to get ready, and I stayed sat down wallowing in self pity. Maybe Changbin is the better option. Clearly he's more attentive.

As he was just about to leave, I shouted out to him.

"Drive safe. I'll order some food."

He nodded in agreement and left out the front door.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now