Extra Time

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I needed a break from all the admin, so I got up and decided to approach Bin.

He was sat looking through some books that I didn't want to keep.

"Hi Binnie." I whisper, and his eyes lit up as he sees me approach him.

"Hi Peach." He smiles as I take a seat next to him on the floor.

"These don't look like they've ever been read." He teases, presenting the lack of broken spine on the book and the crisp pages.

"I bought them hoping they'd help with my reading.. But you're right. I never touched them." I giggled.

I studied him while he put them in a 'Misc' labelled box, and I noticed he was wearing a chain around his neck.

I never saw him wearing that before.

My eyes followed down to the bump under the fabric of his t-shirt.


I suddenly felt really awful, as I realised he was wearing my ring around his chain.

My heart ached, knowing he was hurting from it.

I looked down to my hands as I felt tears fall. I tried to contain them but it was difficult.

Bin noticed how I was and he stopped what he was doing, pulling me in his arms.

"Am I making a mistake, Binnie?" I quietly sob in his hold.

"If it's as good an opportunity as you say, then no.

We will miss you, but your happiness is what matters. Let me know if it's not as it seems and we will get you back here.

We will help you get a job to keep you busy, but we will look after you. You wouldn't have to worry about anything." He comforts me, squeezing me tight, but I feel the ring poke through his t-shirt.

"Ah." I pull away and tap it through the material.

"Oh, sorry." He pulls it out so it is exposed.

"Please keep this." He urges me, taking it off the chain for me to put on.

"..Bin.. I.." I try to argue, but he takes my hand and slips it on my ring finger.

"Only take it off once you have found someone worth taking its place." He instructs me.

My heart is racing.

He knows how good he has been to me.

"Shall I order some food?" He then suggests, smoothly changing the subject while my heart still flutters from his actions.

"Chan?" He probes, and Chan hums in agreement.

Bin smiles at me, then gets up to ask Han and Hyunjin what they want.

As he clears the room, Chan moves over closer to me.

"Tell me about this job then, Princess." He smiles, emitting some excitement which perked me up and distracted me from my flustered moment.

"It's an as an entry level interpreter for Buzzfeed UK." I smile at him, giddy that I have managed to bag a role for such a well known company.

"Buzzfeed? That's awesome. We've done work with them before. You never know, we may see you at work." He winks. 

"There's a lot of training involved in my probation, but every day will be different. I'll be taking part in the subtitle and off screen verbal translations. They know I'm not fluent in Korean yet, but are willing to give me a go." I beam at him, proud of myself.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now