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It's been just over two weeks since I virtually met Peter.

We made a party almost every evening, just to chat bollocks about our days, and we even set up a WhatsApp group to send each other memes and voice notes.

I told him about my family, who live near London, about my older brother and younger sister. He told me about his older brother. He helped me with my Korean speaking as well, after finding out that I'm a student.

I actually felt like I had the closest thing to a friend in almost a year.

I had the latest song release from StrayKids, called Megaverse on repeat since it was released yesterday. It was so catchy and I caught myself humming it all the time.

*Phone notification*


Peter: Wanna game?

Me: Pubg?

Peter: Of course ;)

Me: I'm scarred for life now, thanks •᷄⌓•᷅

Peter: Because of winky emoji?!

Peter: ;) ;) ;) ;) ㅋ

Me: Noooooooo

Peter: RIP ㅋㅋㅋ


We started a party, and while I was fumbling with the sound of my headset, I was humming the chorus to Megaverse.

"What's that song?" Peter asks.

"Oh, this group I like released it the other day. It's Kpop" I hesitate.

"Kpop? What's it called? I wanna give it a listen."

"Oh..Uhh it's Megaverse by Straykids.

They cover quite a lot of styles so there's something for everyone."

I can hear through my headphones Peter playing the song. As it ends I hesitate..

"What do you think?"

"Yeah its good. I've heard some songs by StrayKids before. They've got quite a distinctive sound. There's 8 in the group isn't there as well?" He remarked.

"Yeah.. They're my favourite group." I gushed.

"Really?!" He gasped.

"Uhh.. really? What's your favourite song?" He reigned in his enthusiasm a bit.

Why was he acting so strange? Was he a secret fanboy?

"I couldn't choose one song. I love too many!" I shriek out.

"Okay, okay. Top 4?" He compromised.

"Oh god.. okay. In no particular order.. Another day, Charmer, Secret Secret.. and Uh.. Red lights.." I squeak.

"Hmph." He lets out in a giggle

"What's so funny?" I question, slightly sad in case he is teasing me that it's kpop.

"Oh, uh.. nothing.. I've not heard of those first three.. but I have heard that Red Lights song.. It's a bit of a sexy song isn't it?" He teases.

"Oh.. I don't know what you're talking about.' I joke, knowing full well that it is.

"Who's your favourite member?"

"Oohh.. that's a tough one, but I'd have to say probably Chan." I confessed.

"..Interesting.." He mumbled.

Peter then proceeds to sing a part of the song..

"When I close my eyes all I see is red lights.. Shh.."

"Oh shit, Peter! You can sing!" I marvelled. "Sing more!"

"What? Noo I cant si- okay okay if you insist.." He interrupts himself and starts belting out Hans bridge part of Social Path.

"Yabureta chizu tsunagi oshidasarete mo
Mukashi mitai ni ue wo hashiru
Kewashii basho hitori de
Yoru to mukiai I will rise up"


"..Are you serious?" I quiz.


I grab my phone and click on Peters contact info on WhatsApp.

I hesitate for second, then click video call.

It rings,

and rings,

and rings.

He doesn't answer.

"Peter?" I try again.

"...Yes?" He eventually mumbles back.

"Was that really you singing?"

"..Uhh.. Yeah?" He falters.

"Please can we video call?" I stressed. There's no way.

*Video call incoming*

He has his camera facing the ceiling.

"That defeats the point of video calling, Peter" I huffed.

"Why do you want to see my face?" He stalls.

"Because I think I know who you are.." I tease.

"If I'm right, can you confirm it? If I'm wrong, then we will leave it as it is." I offer.

"But I could just lie if you are right?" He chuckles.

"I dunno, is Han Jisung a liar?" I smirked back.

There was a few seconds pause.

The camera moved swiftly onto his face and back onto the ceiling. If I blinked I would have missed it, but I didn't.

"Holy shit, Han! I knew I recognised that voice!" I excitedly squeal.

"..Does this change anything? Can we still be friends or will that complicate things now?" I worry.

"No, of course not. If anything, I could probably hang out with you in person."

"Oh my god, really?! That would be amazing!" I tried to calm down a bit but my heart was pounding. This is not a normal thing to happen.

"Could even introduce you to Chan.." He playfully sings.

My heart stops. No way. No fucking way.

"Are you doing anything this Saturday night? We have a Seoul show and I'm 99% sure I can get you a sound check ticket, and possibly one for the main show."

"I would be forever grateful Han!" I gushed. After Friday, my winter break starts, so it would be a perfect start to my holidays.

"Don't hold your breath, but I'll sort it in the morning for you." He winked.

"Well, I didn't expect my evening to go like this.." I joke.

"Me too haha. I'm glad it did though. It'll be cool to hang out with you." Han smiled genuinely through the video call.

"I am wiped out after today, so I'll speak tomorrow yeah?" I yawned.

"Night, Y/N." Han ended the call.

What the fuckity fuck was that?!

I'm gonna meet THE StrayKids?!

AND I've been virtual besties with Jisung without even knowing it?! I need to calm down before I implode.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now