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We all got comfy, with Han, Hyunjin and I cosy on a 2 seater, and Chan and Bin each on an arm chair.

I took a slice of pepperoni pizza from the box, taking a bite, but instantly regretting my bite size as the food was molten.

"Ah! Hot!" I whined while trying to chew the mouthful.

I watched Changbin get up with no hesitation and then walk back in the room with a glass of water.

Hyunjin narrowed his eyes at him while I gratefully took the glass from his hands.

"Are those my boxers?" He smirked, recognising the material poking from under my t-shirt. He stood looking down at me, his lips curling at the edges.

I kept eye contact and grimaced, then bringing the drink to my lips for a sip. He accepted my choice of clothing with a flirty smile and a nod.

He stood in the way of the TV, so Hyunjin lent forward to shove him out the way, and in turn not giving him a chance to directly respond, but I could tell he was feeling smug.

He stood in the way of the TV, so Hyunjin lent forward to shove him out the way, and in turn not giving him a chance to directly respond, but I could tell he was feeling smug

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I watched Changbin take his seat across the room.

I'm doomed.

Maybe I should just accept it?

She is too precious to lose. But maybe knowing she will still be in my life would suffice? That, or it will be a constant reminder of my failures.

It's a hard one, but I can see she has a little glow about her after the decision to involve Bin.

I think, maybe it's time to speak to her about.. Us. I can lay out my feelings. Get everything off my chest. I can't expect her to have to put up with my shit.

Watching her sing along to the songs from Moana just warmed my heart as well. I really do love her. I fell hard and fast. Too fast.

But then again, Hannie loves her.. and probably Hyunjin as well.

It's only a matter of time until Changbin does too.

I can love her, and not be in love with her, right? That would work, no?

I can love her, and not be in love with her, right? That would work, no?

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"..The people you love will change you..
The things you have learned will guide you..
And nothing on earth can silence, the quiet voice inside you..
And when that voice starts to whisper..
"Moana, you've come so far"
Moana listen, do you know who you are?.." I sing along word for word. This part always makes me cry, but this time it really hit me hard. I was so fragile.

Han holds my hand as he sees how affected I am by the words, choosing to sing along to relish in the moment.

"..And the call isn't out there at all, it's inside me..
It's like the tide..
Always falling and rising..
I will carry you here in my heart, you remind me..
That come what may..
I know the way..

I am Moana!"

Han subtly wiped the tears that fell from my eyes as the dramatic and empowering music played... But as I turned to look at him, he was bawling as well.

I looked at Hyunjin and he was a blubbering mess too. We are the sofa of tears and I couldn't help but giggle at our states.

As the film finished, I looked around the room, stretching my arms out

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As the film finished, I looked around the room, stretching my arms out.

Changbin and Hyunjin were still awake, but Y/N and Han had fallen asleep. They have had a long day so I'm not surprised.

"You two need to stop being so selfish. Can't you see it's wearing her down?" Hyunjin frowned at us as he carefully got up from the sofa.

"In all fairness, Changbin hasn't really done anything wrong. It's me. I'm confusing her.. But I will speak to her tomorrow. I think it's best if we just stay friends.." I defended. I know we can't forget any of the things we have done, but I care too much about her to continue the suffering.

I clocked Changbins demeanor change as I spoke, but he didn't argue because he knew I was right.

"If I see her crying again, there will be trouble." Hyunjin threatens, rolling his eyes at us.

Hyunjin wasn't that strong physically. Changbin and I could easily flatten him, but he was strong with words and could hold is own. You would go out of your way to not upset him, and he knew that.

Basically if you piss him off, you would regret it.

Changbin sighed and got up, walking towards the sofa where the two slept, then stopping in front of them.

Hyunjin watched him with crossed arms and narrowed eyes, judging his every move.

"I'll take Hannie to his room." I suggest abruptly, making Bin and Hyunjin snap their heads in my direction.

"We both know you should be taking Y/N." I exhaled, admitting defeat.

Bin carefully peeled off Hans arm from around Y/N, then taking hold of her in a princess carry.

She was out like a light, but I watched as she nuzzled into his chest.

Changbin looked at me apologetically. He wanted to help, but I clearly needed humbling. You can't dictate someone else's feelings.

I nodded at him and he walked off to his room.

I watched as they left and Hyunjin pats me on my shoulder.

"You're letting her go then?" He asks quietly. His words were more  rhetorical. He got it.

"I think it's for the best." I sighed.

"I'm proud of you for making that call, Hyung." He smiled. That means a lot coming from him.

I picked up Han and then carried him to his room. Hyunjin followed to open his door and I dropped him carefully on his bed.

"Thank you for bringing her into our lives, Hannie." I whispered.

It was bittersweet, and felt like a goodbye, but I know that it's just the wrong timing for me. We are in fact just on different paths. It got way too intense too soon. The imperfections were bound to creep up at some point.

AN: Ugh guys my heart is broken for Chan, but you have to agree he's making the right decision? 💔🥺❤️‍🩹

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now