Put on your Sunday clothes

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I woke up in a panic, wondering why I had heavy limbs encasing me in a tight hold

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I woke up in a panic, wondering why I had heavy limbs encasing me in a tight hold.

As I got my bearings, I soon realised it was Bin, instantly calming my blood pressure.

It was an odd feeling.

I felt so..


Like, he would keep me safe.

Am I falling for him?

I felt so emotionally invested in Chan that I have been a bit blind to others efforts to look after me.

Thinking back, when I needed something from Chan.. It was Changbin who intervened.

He has put me first, ensured I am happy and comfortable.

Maybe this is what I needed all along?

The.. relationship.. or whatever it is that I have with Chan..

It's not healthy.

Maybe we should step back a bit. Start again as friends. Then if something more happens at least we have the foundations set..

He is such a talented and caring man, but clearly he has his own demons that dictate how he should behave emotionally.

He is too pedantic when it comes to relationships.. He really needs to chill out a bit.

Maybe with time he can control himself a bit better, but I know for a fact that now is not the time for such emotional investment.

With those thoughts now cemented in my head, I nuzzled my face back in Bins chest.


"Peach.." I hear a deep croak in my ear, disturbing me from my lay in.

"Hmm?" I respond, nuzzling deeper in him hoping to change his mind.

"Lets get up." He groans, matching my dismay but not wanting to waste the day in bed.

"I don't want to.." I whine, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"C'mon. I'll make you a drink.." He tries to persuade me, then wrapping his arms around me pulling me to sit up.

"We can get dressed and get some food if you want? I'm going to the gym today so you won't get to see me again until later.." He whines.

"What makes you think I want to see you later?" I tease, watching his pout morph into a smirk. I lay back down in the bed, giggling at my shots fired.

Changbin suddenly leans over me and grabs a fistful of my t-shirt, pulling my weight off the mattress. His face was just inches from mine and I could feel his warm breath on my lips.

"Of course you want to see me." He asserts, staring directly in my eyes.

"I have something of yours anyway. So you have no choice." He smugly states, then dropping me from his grip and pulling himself off the bed.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now