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"Woah this is delicious!" Han exclaims, and I glance over to him and laugh at the sight before me.

He had sauce all over his chops.

"Good job that's not spicy or your face would be on fire!" I gasped and he just did a happy dance in his seat.

As expected, I had loads of chicken, but I'll just eat what I can and give the rest to Chan and Bin.

We finished our food and needed at least an hour before we could move again, but it was nice just chilling in each others company. Not really saying anything other than groaning at how full we were.

Han had fallen asleep on my shoulder, and as Chan noticed, he suggested he maybe go back to the dorm.

Hyunjin agreed that was a good idea, so I had the heart breaking task of waking Hannie up.

I rocked him gently and his eyelids flicked open.

"Hannie, do you wanna go to the dorm with Hyunjin?" I whisper to him, and he rubs his eyes and nods like a toddler.

"Make sure you let me know if you need more help." Han urged while half asleep.

"Oh of course." I smiled at him, and he pulled himself off the sofa.

"See you in a bit." Chan then waved as the two exited my apartment.

"Would you like us to carry on with what we were doing or..?" Chan questions, and I ponder for a second, looking around the room at how much progress we've made already.

"We could maybe just tape up and stack the boxes that have already been done? You all got quite a lot done today." I smiled gratefully at them, and they both hushed me like it was nothing.

We got up from the sofa and began gathering each box that Han and Hyunjin had sorted out for us, then taping them up securely.

"What the hell is in this box? It weighs a ton!" Chan gasps while he struggles to bring it in through from the kitchen.

That must be all my crockery.

"Did he leave some out for me to use while I'm still here?" I giggled. I wouldn't put it past him.

"You're good. He's left one of everything." Chan smiles.

"I better do the washing up straight away, or I will be eating off the floor with my hands." I laughed to myself.

"You could always eat at the dorm.. Then you don't need to worry." Bin suggested with fluttering eyelashes.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

As much as I want to, I really do need to distance myself from them.

"Could it really not work? Long distance?" Chan suggests out of the blue, making me stop in front of him with a box in hand.

I stared back at him blankly.

"You're not honestly asking that are you?" I muttered to him.

He stared back at me, unaware of how absolutely ridiculous that question is.

He approached me to take the box from my hands, but I dodge him and walk it myself to stack on another.

"It's a 9 hour time difference, Chan, and like a 15 hour flight. It's impossible." I frowned at him. 

"But it can't just end like this. I want to try it." He urges, walking closer to hold my hands.

"No Chan. It wont work. If anything it will just be stressful. What if something happened? It's not like I can just jump on a plane and see you within an hour." I moaned back to him. It was starting to get me. This is why I want to keep my distance.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now