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"Wake up, sleeping beauty

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"Wake up, sleeping beauty." A sweet voice eases me awake.

My eyes flutter open, to the sight of Chan inches from my face.

"What time is it?" I mumble, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Uhh... It's early. We have a lot of prep to do for todays show so we have to leave as soon as." 

"WHAT? As soon as? Like now?" I sit straight up and shoot a panicked look to Chan.

"Uh.. Yeah. Now.." He chuckles.

"I got your outfit for today out your case already, and everything else is packed. I hope that's okay?" He worries.

"Oh.. Of course it is. Thank you." 

Shit, I could get used to this sweet Channie.

I pull myself out of bed and walk towards the shower to freshen up.

"Hey, aren't you forgetting something?" Chan whines.

I look back at him puzzled, only to see him with his eyes closed, puckering his lips for a kiss. 

I skip over to him and plant a peck on his lips.

I giggle to myself and he looks up at me, smiling back.

"I can't wait until we are finished with this week. I want to fuck you in my bed." He professed. 

"Don't wish your time away Chan." I playfully scold him, before making my way back to the shower.

We check out of the room and make our way to the others who are sat in the hotel foyer.

They all give us curious looks as if to expect some news from us..

"..Well..?" Hyunjin, being the first to make the move.

"Uhh... Well.." Chan hesitates, looking over to me.

"We are exclusive." I blurt out. 

They all looked so shocked, with Hyunjin and Changbin both high fiving each other like their plan had been successful.

Han ran up to me with his arms out and gave me the biggest hug ever. "I'm so happy for you!" He squeals.

Clearly everyone has a different idea of what 'exclusive' means.

A staff member approached the group and explained we would be leaving shortly to the next venue, where some of the members will get fresh new looks again. Its also an earlier performance, so they'll have some down time to do what they like afterwards.

They hired a bigger bus so all the members were together.

The seating went like this:

Back four:

Lee Know, Han, Me, Chan

Middle three (split 1:2)

Seungmin : Hyunjin, I.N

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now