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"That was weird

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"That was weird.." Han mumbled.

You're telling me.

"Changbin and Hyunjin are coming round soon. Did you wanna hang out?" Han suggests with a wide grin, trying to not let the weird vibes linger around for too long.

"Oh, What were you gonna do?" I question. Maybe that's a good shout.

"I think we are going bowling. It's their latest interest and they asked me if I wanted to tag along. Would be good if I'm no longer a third wheel." He chuckles awkwardly.

"If they dont mind. I'd love to. I'm no good at bowling though to be honest.." I admit. The heavy balls are always too heavy and the light ones are way too light. I think that's just the universe telling me not to bowl.

"Neither am I. It will just be fun. I think you need something to cheer you up." Han nudges me.

"Sounds good Hannie." I beamed back.

Hans smile softened a little, morphing into a lightly worried look.

"What's wrong?" I knew what he was picking up on, but I was in denial. I didn't want there to be a problem, but I could see it happening in real time. My heart ached because of it.

"I will talk to Chan-" He started.

"-No Han, it's okay. If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. I can't force it to work." I tried to stop myself getting worked up, but as soon as I made eye contact with Han again, the tears flowed.

"Oh, Y/N." Han pulled me in for a hug.

He held me for a few minutes while I regained my composure. "Thank you Hannie." I sniffled.

"Shh.. It's okay." He comforted me, and as I pulled away, Hyunjin and Changbin walked through the door.

I turned away from them and used my t-shirt to wipe my tears.

They came in full of life and chatter, but as they noticed the vibe in the room, they soon diffused.

"W..What's happened?" Hyunjin quizzed. I sensed him walk up to me so I spun around and wore a soft smile on my face.

"Nothing." I maintained my expression, hoping he would take that as gospel and not question it again.

"No, Y/N, you're upset. What's happened to you?" Hyunjin pesters again.

I sigh and my eyes naturally fall towards Changbin.

He gives me a sheepish smile, knowing full well what has been going on.

"That bad?" Changbin asks, with his features slowly turning into a frown.

I just nod and he walks up to wrap his arms around me.

He held me securely and I felt the warmth radiate off him.

"Am I the only one that doesn't know what's happening?!" Hyunjin whines.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now