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"We will tell Innie and Lino to come over and we can all have food together?" Han suggests out loud, causing everyone to mumble in agreement.

Changbin then gets up to stick the rice cooker on.

Chan comes into the kitchen after a lengthy phone call with their manager. He had a poker face, clearly shielding any type of bollocking he had from him. You'd have easily thought he just asked him about the weather. Not about the photos.

"Can I talk to you?" I mouth to him as he looks in my direction. He smiles and nods towards the door.

As I get up, Han pats me on the back, noticing how I was shaking like a leaf.

"What did your manager say?" I mumble to him while we walk towards his room.

Chan noticeably avoided answering that while we were still in the hallway, clearly not wanting anyone to hear, and not settling even one of my nerves in the process.

As we entered his room, he threw himself on his bed with a loud exhale.

"This isn't good." He huffs with a chuckle, running his hands through his hair.

"What do we do?" I ask while perching on the edge of his bed.

"I mean, the photos are fairly innocent aren't they? Like, we are just dancing.. There's no kissing, because we didn't kiss.. So really you could just say it's overly friendly.. Alcohol induced.. Dancing?" I add with a grimace, trying to play it down reasonably.

"That could work.. But some people will see straight through it.. And get nasty. I mean, I'm very much numb to a lot of the hate, but it's not fair on you.." He said with sadness in voice.

"I'll be fine. I'm a big girl." I beam confidently, but I'm anything but confident. This is awful.

"The label is going to post a 'statement' soon, and then I will need to avoid socials for a few days while the dust settles." Chan mumbled while fidgeting with his bracelet.

"Y/N.. I don't know about you, but do you not think it's crazy that we have only known each other for 6 days? It feels like I've known you for years.."  He switches the topic while still distracting himself.

Yup. It's literally been less than a week.. But I feel like this week has knocked 10 years off my life. I'm exhausted from it.

It's been such an emotional rollercoaster on its own, and now I have a scandal to deal with. But I suppose it's only right. Life is all about balance. You can't expect it to all be plain sailing.

"Y/N?" Chan nudged me.

"Oh, shit. Sorry, I spaced out. It has been a mental week. I think that's probably why.." I smile weakly at him.

"I feel the same though. It feels much longer." I lay down next to him, resting my hand on his chest.

He twists his body and lands a small peck on my cheek.

"Lets go back through." Chan encourages, pulling me up from his bed.

As we walk through to the kitchen, he looks at his phone.

"Ah, the statement is out.."

Chan angles his phone for me to read it as well.

Chan angles his phone for me to read it as well

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Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now