Ring of Fire

665 34 10

Authors note: 2k just to keep you going til Sundays update ~ I've had fun writing the next few chapters 💙


Everyone understood the rules, and then they begun, with Hongjoong kicking off the game by drawing a King

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Everyone understood the rules, and then they begun, with Hongjoong kicking off the game by drawing a King. Lucky bastard.

He pours some of his drink in the empty glass.

Beomgyu then draws a 10. He thinks for a moment which category, then suggests 'party'. They then go around, starting with Yeonjun, saying words that correlate with 'party'. 

Music, dancing, birthday, food, disco and karaoke were all listed, then as it got to I.N, he panicked. 

"Ah! My mind is blank!" He whines, and Beom just laughs at him and holds his drink up, prompting him to take a drink. Everyone boos at I.Ns efforts, with Bin then listing thinks he could have said, like 'pizza', 'games' and 'alcohol'.

Yeonjun then takes his turn, drawing a 3, so he has to just drink his own drink.

Bin draws a four, resulting in all the girls whining at him dramatically, as it now means they have to drink. He giggled at how pissy they were, pleased with how he is winding them up.

Hyunjin draws a Jack, and he very animatedly thinks about what rule he should make up. 

"Everyone's name is now 'Hyunjin'.. if you say the persons name you need to drink!" He exclaims proudly in English, then reconfirms it in Korean. He looked so smug about his rule choice.

"Okay, Y/N, your turn." He then urges, but then drops his jaw in shock. We all piss ourselves with how quickly he just broke his own rule. That has to be a record. He reluctantly has a drink and gestures to Y/N to play.

"What are you like, Hyunjin." Y/N teases him, then draws a card. She flips over a 7, and then wastes no time in pointing to the sky. Chaeryeong was the last to point, as for ages she just looked at everyone in confusion for pointing, not realising that it's what you need to do with that card. Bin teased her and she whined back at him that she forgot, bless her.

Lee Know draws an 8, and then places his hand on Y/Ns shoulder. "..Hyunjin.. you will drink with me." He smiles, and she briefly forgot about Hyunjins rule until then. They both take a drink and giggle at each other. "Thank you, Hyunjin. I was thirsty." she rolled her eyes at Lee Know, making us all giggle at her remark.

It was Hans turn and he drew a 6, which meant all the guys had to drink, but because Lee Know chose Y/N to be his drinking buddy, it meant she had to drink as well. She was gobsmacked as the rules were reiterated to her. I couldn't stop laughing at how her tipsy self got so defensive and sulky.

I.N draws a 5, and he is now the 'thumb master'. He doesn't do it straight away to throw everyone off, and they all keep their eyes on him while Ryujin plays her card.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now