Calm down

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Chan runs a hot bath and helps me into it.

It was quite a decent size, and I didn't at all feel squished in it.

Chan on the other hand looked less than comfortable..

His shoulders were too wide so his arms were pushed forward a bit.

I couldn't help but laugh at how he looked.

"I'm happy as long as you're comfortable." He chuckled back at me, pulling a disconcerting face.

I returned a cheesy smile.

He is so sweet and effortlessly funny.

Chans phone then buzzed. 

"Ah its Changbin.. I'll tell him he can come back now, yeah?" He suggests. 

Poor Changbin, I kicked him out of his room.

We sat for a moment in each others company, waiting for Changbin to return.

I felt the stress of the last couple days dissolve like a bath bomb.

Changbin returned and Chan decided to leave me to enjoy the bath alone.

Changbin returned and Chan decided to leave me to enjoy the bath alone

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'Everything okay?" Changbin smirks, with a cheeky glint in his eye.

"Uh.. Yeah.. I think so." I quietly mumbled back, in case Y/N could hear me.

"You think so?" Changbin furrows his brow at me. "What happened?" He then adds.

"Uhh.. She cried." I hesitated.

"Cried? What, Like when you were.." Changbin tries to piece together from my vagueness.


I.. Was scaring her apparently. She didn't want to use her safe word."

This is such an awkward conversation to have.

"Are you sure she isn't just stressed? A lot has happened this week, it might just be catching up on her.."

Oh Changbin, I love you.

You don't always think he's paying attention but really he is so attentive.

"That's got to be it. After all, she has done what many Stay dream of doing. It's a lot to take in!" I rush. How could I be so stupid not to think like that.

"And she has school soon.." Changbin adds.

"Oh fuck.

I completely forgot! When is she back?" I panic.

"Monday." Changbin huffed.

"Even though she's yours, I will miss seeing her so much. She is so sweet to have around."

I suddenly felt a wave of dread hit me. Reality check.. We probably won't have time to see each other after this week. She will be busy with school and SKZ have so much prep for the winter shows. 

We both look up as we see the bathroom door open, and Y/N stands there with a towel wrapped around her. 

You could see the outline of her breasts under the towel, and that paired with her flushed cheeks.. It just did things to me. 

"Don't mind me." She sings, as she walks towards the bed and grabs a t-shirt and shorts from her bag.

Changbin averts his gaze, but I keep mine fixed.

She turns to see me staring and she gives me a small bashful smile, before turning back round and slipping the t-shirt over her head.

She drops the towel on the floor and climbs into the shorts.

She drops the towel on the floor and climbs into the shorts

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He's always got such an intense look to him.

I don't even know if he realises it, but it always makes me feel like I'm being judged and analysed.

I took out body lotion from my bag and started applying it to my arms and legs. It was cocoa butter scented, and once Chan and Changbin caught a whiff, they both followed their noses like something from a cartoon.

I shoved my arm in Changbins face and he took a big whiff of it. He was very comical with his mannerisms and never failed to make me laugh.

I finished applying the lotion and put it away, then climbed into bed.

The other two did the same.

The room types that the staff booked in hotels were so inconsistent. This time around we had a king size bed between the three of us, which was less than ideal.

Chan was in the middle with myself and Changbin either side.

"This is cosy." Changbin giggled, putting his arm around Chan.

I chuckled back, doing the same, encasing Chan in a tight hold.

"Sweet dreams." Chan whispered, then placing a small kiss on my head as it laid on him.

"Hey, where's mine?" Changbin joked, but Chan took the opportunity to do the same, and Changbin flinched his hand so Chan couldn't kiss him.

"Nooo!!" Changbin whined.

They were both so funny. 

I felt myself doze off, with the help of Chans fingers lightly rubbing circles on my arm.


Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now