Easy Like Sunday Morning

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"Morning princess.."

I'm gently rocked awake.

I open my eyes to see Chan stood there with a big mug of latte in hand, cheesy smiling at me while handing it over.

"Oh, morning baby.. Oh thank you!" I croaked back, wiping the sleep from my eyes, then taking the drink off his hands.

"Enjoy! Changbin showed me how to use the machine so in future I can make you one myself!" He beamed back at me, then taking a seat on the bed.

"That is the cutest thing I've ever heard. Thank you." I smile back, taking a sip of the drink, leaving a frothy moustache on my top lip.

"Mhmm!" I hum at him. "It's delicious!"

"You can chill here today if you want? We've got nothing on today. I think some of the others are going to come here as well." Chan then mentions, while laying across me, playing with the fluff on a pillow.

"I think I might take you up on that offer, but I can't stay too long. I need to get my stuff ready for my first day back.." I pout. This has been so fun, but reality hits tomorrow when I'm sat in a classroom again.

"What's your schedule again?" Chan asks while drawing love hearts on the pillow.

"Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.. It's not too bad really.." I take another sip of my drink.

"That falls pretty good, our prep schedules are Thursday and Friday, so I can guarantee at least two, if not three days where I can see you." Chan speaks while laying his head on the pillow, and shifting his attention to my free hand, studying the creases in my palm.

We hear some commotion in the hallway and Chan sits up. "That'll be Seungmin and Felix.."

I get out of bed and put on some lounge bottoms and a t-shirt, and we both exit the room to say hello.

Seungmin goes to see Hyunjin after greeting us, and Chan sits at the table with Changbin. They both put headphones on to work on some music, and Han and Felix take each of my arms and guide me into Hans room.

Han sets up his console and hands me and Felix a controller. He then started up a game of Mario Kart. 

We chose the mushroom cup game just to break us into it, but I have a knack at these kinda games, so was 2nd place behind Felix for a bit, with Han in 4th.

Felix got took out by my red shells, knocking him back closer to me, and then out of nowhere, he was wiped out by a blue shell, allowing me to take the advantage pretty quickly. A double blow for him and we were all excitedly screaming at how the game was unfolding.

Just as I was clearing the finish line, Chan bursts into the room, with a look of pure horror in his eyes.

We all stop laughing and look back at him confused.

"What's wrong?" I panic. Looking at Han and then back to Chan.

"There are photos online from Friday night.." Chan rushes. "They are shitty photos, but you can see my face, and yours too, Y/N.."

"Fuck off!" I laugh. There's no way.

"I'm dead serious, look." Chan hands me his phone.

I swipe through a series of photos that have been uploaded to a fake insta account. Already the photos have thousands of likes..

 Already the photos have thousands of likes

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I look up at Chan in shock.

"What do we do?" I whisper. Han places a hand around my shoulder and squeezes me against him.

"Luckily, JYPE and Dispatch are in bed together, so it shouldn't escalate, but no doubt online sites will start posting about it.."

"But Chan, what's gonna happen? I'm back at school tomorrow! Someone with a keen eye will be able to recognise me! There! That's my face right there!" I stress, pointing at his phone.

I felt my chest go tight, and my breathing became erratic.

"Woah, woah.. You'll be fine! There's no proof, and these days images get edited, so no doubt we will have Stays defending us." Chan reassured. He appeared a lot calmer than me, but I knew he was stressed.

Chans phone then lit up. Their manager was calling him.

He pulled a grimace and put his phone to his ear, then walking out of the room.

I turned to Han again.

My eyes were filling with tears.

"Hey, Y/N. Try not to panic. It's okay. There's always scandals like this going about, they blow over." He rubbed my back lightly to calm me down.

"Yeah I wouldn't get too stressed. Besides, the likelihood of someone recognising you from those photos is slim. You just need to wear some glasses and tie your hair back. It's a fool proof disguise." Felix flashes me a sunshine smile, while offering his words of wisdom.

I put my head in my hands.

"I'm such an idiot. This could be really bad." I whine.

"Shall we get some lunch? Food makes everything better." Han pinches my cheeks.

I let out a long exhale. "You guys are the best."

"That's why you love us." Han got up and held his hands out to me to pull me up.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now