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On the walk back, I had linked arms with Han

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On the walk back, I had linked arms with Han.

Chan had dropped back with Changbin and Hyunjin, and I couldn't help feel like it was deliberate.

"Why do I feel something looming in the air Hannie?" I mumbled, and he clocked on straight away.

"Well, is it not the right time? Seems every other day something is happening now." He teased, nudging me with his shoulder.

"As long as it's good, I don't care. I'm fed up of feeling stressed about shit. I just need a normal, chill night." I expressed with a sigh.

"Speaking of chill.." Han starts, then waits for me to look at him.

I glance at him and raise my eyebrows, waiting for him to carry on.

"I have finished my song." He beams.

"What's that got to do with 'chill'?" I snort, wondering what planet our Hannie is on right now.

"Oh, the song is called Chill." He awkwardly chuckled.

"Really? The one about Chan and I?" I quiz. That seems like an ironic name for everything that's gone on.

"Yeah. I can show you it tomorrow if you wanna hear it?" He suggests, but I playfully smack his arm.

"You can't say it's done and then make me wait! I want to hear it tonight if I can?!" I pout, while he just laughs at my reaction, almost like he knew I'd whine.

"Okay, okay, you've convinced me. Since you are so desperate to hear it I'll show it to you!" He jokingly gives in, smirking at my expression.

We get into the dorm and Han drags me to his room.

We get into the dorm and Han drags me to his room

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I watch Han take Y/N into his room.


How will she be in the mood after hearing a song about how fucked our relationship is?

"Chill out Hyung. She needs to hear it. He is her best friend, it's only right he looks out for her." Changbin whispers while Y/N slips away from me.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now