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We got ready to leave. 

My legs were like jelly as I tried to walk and he held his arm out to support me.

I gripped it as we approached the lift.

out of order

Fucks sake.

"Hold onto me" Chan softly suggested, as we made our way down the stairs with our bags.

 As we approached the others in the waiting area, I released my grip of Chans arm. Han saw me coming and ran up to me, hooking his arm around mine.

He leant in to whisper.

"I need to talk to you.."

He dragged me to the other side of the room and sat down on the sofa. We were still waiting on Seungmin, IN and Felix so had a small opportunity to chat.

"So.. Uh.." Han hesitates.

I feel a sense of uneasiness from him.

"You're going home today.." He sighs.


"What?" I question, what's happened?

"Our manager says you shouldn't be here. Because there's been no NDA signed or anything, it's a risk to our safety apparently.." He explains.

"..Oh.." My heart sinks. "I get that..."

"I'll tell Chan though, He will convince them to let you join us on Wednesday! I just think they're being overly precautious" He reassures.

I won't hold my breath.

I over hear the manager talking to Chan, and it gets a little heated.

I over hear the manager talking to Chan, and it gets a little heated

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"Its over my head Chan. I can see what I can do, but this is really putting me in an awkward position." He argues back.

"She's harmless . I don't see what the issue is with her joining us." I retort back.

"Groupies are a big no, you of all people should know that." He calmly answered back.

Groupie? A fucking groupie?! Is that all they think she is? I felt the anger bubble inside me. 

"She's not a groupie." I falter, trying to diffuse my temper.

The manager gives me a regretful look and walks towards Y/N.

The manager gives me a regretful look and walks towards Y/N

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Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now