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It was Monday, first day of college and Zee head is already aching with all the chattering going around him. His friends were talking non stop bout the summer break. To make it more worse his first class were mathematics..

"Zee why do you look so pissed off today?" Max asked as he move closer...

Zee didn't bother to look at his friend face and groan in a commanding tone....

"Can you just shut up and fuck off" Zee said as he wasn't in the mood to talk as his mom already woke him up early in the morning and lectured him...

Zee felt his head throb with headache and walked straight toward his locker and shove his bad and pulled out few books. Suddenly looking at his favorite subject math his head start throbbing more he rest his head at the edge of his locker and closed his eyes. After few moments the locker started slamming shut and students started running to reached their classroom. As soon as his head slowly hit the table he dozed off. He woke up as the bell rings again. After sleeping for an hour he felt relaxed a bit. Next was history then lunch break, no matter how much he pays attention he couldn't help his stomach from grumbling...

On top there were two girl sitting in front of him and both were talking about the new student who is an orphan and how he was wearing cheap and outdated clothes. Zee literally wanted to bang their head together but bell saved them. Zee finally walks towards cafeteria and line up with his friends. He took his lunch and went to take his seat but suddenly he saw a boy awkwardly standing not so far from him. His extra large shirt , blue jeans, his fair skin with plump cherry pink lips and especially his boba eyes that makes him stand out. Zee couldn't look away from the boy.

The boy was looking around with his boba eyes as his hand hold a tray of food and Zee couldn't help but wave his hand and offer the table. Finally the boy made his way at the very end of the cafeteria and sat down alone and start digging in his food without looking up at anyone. Zee couldn't take his eyes off the boy and asked his friend....

"Who's that??" Zee asked his friend

"His name is Nunew. He is the one from orphanage" His friend replied...

Next day at 7:30 am Zee walk through the crowd, heading towards his locker when someone Pushed Nunew from back. Nunew tried his to stop himself from but he lost his balance and he held Zee's arm and both fall into the floor with a loud thud. After falling Nunew bite back his whimper and slowly opened his eyes to see who is the one he fall into...

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to...Are you hurt, Did you fall hard...I mean the thud sound was loud. Thud aren't good you know" Nunew started rambling...

Zee gave his best smile at Nunew and Nunew heart slammed against his chest as he looked at Zee smile..

Nunew suddenly notice that everyone was looking at them and already murmuring. Max too came running to help Zee stand up..

"Zee!!! Baby.. are you alright?? " Max asked in full concern..

"I'm good" Zee replied

Nunew instantly felt relieved hearing Zee response and grabbed his bag and decided to leave the couple alone. He walked to his classroom with his head down. His first lecture was literature which is his favorite subject. Its not even 8 and he already got bullied. He doesn't want to add up more this early morning. He put his head down and choose to seat on the last table. Once he is settled down he took a deep breath. Soon his teacher walks in and his focused on his class. His next class will be mathematics which he hates most. Yesterday he was late and wasn't able to attend the class and today somehow he was able to find the classroom and entered on time. He choose the third row near the wall.

Once Nunew settled down on cue Zee walks in. Nunew saw Zee gorgeous eyes looking around for seat.. Nunew doesn't know why but he couldn't take his eyes of the prince charming face. He held his breath at once when he saw Zee eye catches his. He felt someone punch his gut for a moment when their eyes met for a second. He thought of waving his hand but they don't know each other so instead he looked down to his fingers and licked his lips. He tried hard not to raise his head and look at the charming face. Somehow Nunew managed to drag for 2 hours and almost gave up his fight against sleep but luckily classes ended and his tummy rumbles. Nunew immediately walked out straight to the cafeteria to eat...

The whole week passed by class-food-class and back to orphanage. Nunew was nowhere close to getting friends with anyone. He didn't needed many just one was enough though. He was shy so it was little hard for him but no one else tried it too. He don't like any sports and he always felt uncomfortable with many stares he is getting from the students. In whole school his favorite place was the pool area where students used it for only 2 days...

It was a beautiful weather outside and Nunew was daydreaming in his school library. He sat on the chair next to the window. His fluffy cheeks in his hand and elbow resting on the table. Soon there would be time he have to leave the orphanage, he had to find a job. Will he get married to someone and have kids? Will he have enough money and a house? Will he have someone who will love him in return? What if he stay alone for the rest of his life? There were endless questions in his mind. He was still lost in his thoughts and looking out of the window when someone drag the chair back and sat on..

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