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"Jake"....The teacher yelled

The little boy got startled and came out of his thoughts. Jake blinks a few times before he remember where he was. This was his last class before lunch...

"What is the answer to this question?" Teacher asked as the whole class was staring at him

"I don't know" Jake replied as he didn't even heard the question.

"Detention after class.. maybe you can read instead of daydreaming" Teacher said as Jake tried to pay attention but couldn't...

Its been months that they have shifted to their new home. Nunew gets busy settling into his new home that he literally ignored Zee calls during weekends where he promised Zee that he will try to send kids to his place so that Jake and Mimi could spend some time with together with their father. For Jake it was like all the joy he was having to go school suddenly separated from his body. Before moving he alteast knew when his father id home or not. On weekends morning he atleast was able to see Zee face for a few minutes before he disappeared all day. But after moving he felt something from even calling his dad.

Soon the bell rang and Jake packed his bag. He was still lost in his own deep thoughts but his hands were perfectly packing his stuff. Once he was done packing Jake made his way out and he decided to meet his Dad whom he was missing a lot from last few weeks. It was noon and he knew Zee will be at his work. Jake stuck with if he was going to tell Jay before leaving but he knew Jay gets angry whenever he try to speak about Zee. He will never allow him to go and meet Zee alone. So he sneak out from the school ground without telling anyone...

Jake waited a few minutes for the bus to arrived. As soon as the bus came he gets on and silently prayed to meet his dad today and talk to him. After 20 minutes he was outside his Daddy office. He walked up to the receptionist...

"Good afternoon.. I am here to see my Dad" jake said

"And who is that" The receptionist ask

"Mr. Zee Pruk Panich... I am his second child" Jake said as he shows his school id

The receptionist looked at the card and then looked at Yash. She then picked the phone and dialed the number.

"There Mr. Jake Panich who wants to see the CEO" The receptionist said as she pause and nods her head

"You may see him. He is on 12th floor" The receptionist said

Jake made his way towards elevator. He hit the 12th floor. Inside elevator Jake started thinking that he should have called his Daddy first but he badly wanted to see his him. He also knew what Daddy had did to his Papa was not okay and he wanted to ask why. He reached and came out. The entire floor was telling who is father was.. It was huge, wide and everything made of glass. He saw a lady was waiting for him....

"Hi your Daddy is waiting for you" The lady said as she walks towards the door.

Suddenly Jake started feeling nervous meeting his Daddy like this. His heartbeat increase and his palm are sweaty. It was the first time he was meeting his Dad after they moved and his first time in his Dad office. All the question he wanted to ask started leaving when his daddy immediately open the door as if he was right behind it. Zee immediately rushed towards and Knelt down in front of Jake and gave him a tight hug and Jake hug his Dad back.....

"Are you okay? Did Papa bring you here? What about school?" Zee asked once he pulled apart

"I....I came alone" Jake slowly replied as Zee eye widened

"You came alone...Does anyone know you left alone?" Zee ask as Jake shook his head in reply..

Jake knew if Nunew find out he left school without telling anyone he will get angry.. Zee immediately pulled out his phone and was about to call Nunew but Jake stopped him by holding his arm..

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