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"I haven't missed a single practice in a year" Zee tells Nunew truthfully...

"That's good you know" Nunew replied with a smile.....

"But I doesn't want to go for sports rather I like working with numbers and calculation. I like math" Zee said

"P'zee how can you like math that's weird" Nunew said as he hot shocked

"What's weird?" Zee asked looking at Nunew

"I always find you sleeping in the class, how can you even like maths" Nunew replied

"Is easy if you like and understand the concepts" Zee replied

"My head always hurts just thinking about the subject and why do we have to search x always" Nunew said as he pout

Zee immediately start laughing hearing Nunew words and he laughed very hard holding his stomach. Its goes on like this for a minutes. Nunew watch Zee laughing for the first time and it was the first time someone find him funny and laugh this hard on his words.

"You believe I'm a funny boy" Nunew ask once Zee stop laughing

"You are the funniest boy I have ever met" Zee replied truthfully as they both became silent for a while

"P'zee I want to know what's your real deal coming here with me" Nunew ask breaking the silence

Zee got up and dusted the crumbs on his lap and looked at Nunew and then the empty pool. Before Nunew could say anything Zee jumped in the empty pool...

"What the hell are you doing P'zee? Come back here before you slip and hit your head" Nunew yelled and asked

"Nunew my deal is simple.. I want to be close to you, I want to be your friend and I want to know why you like that crazy authors book and why you nibble on your snacks and chocolate instead of eating it like a human" Zee said with a soft voice while smiling

"Ohhh, so you think I'm alien now" Nunew ask as he scoffed and folded his arms around his chest as Zee laugh once again...

"I never said that. Its just that you are cute" Zee replied

"How can you call me cute... Your boyfriend Max will get angry" Nunew said as he shake his head

Zee couldn't stop the shiver running down his body hearing Nunew mentioning about Max being his boyfriend..

"No....No...Max is just my friend.. You can ask anyone" Zee immediately replied as he shake his head and wave his hand in denial..

"Okay, I believe you... Lets be friends" Nunew said as he start swinging his legs...

Zee was on cloud 9 after hearing what Nunew said...Both of them spend next two hours taking about everything and anything they wanted.. Zee informed Nunew that most of his friends is with him because he belongs to a rich family and wanted to use Zee... Then Nunew made the pool area their personal club house. Zee tease Nunew that now they are friends Zee will help Nunew in maths and he will improve the subject by five percent. Nunew immediately ask him to never talk about maths or he could take back his friendship. Zee fake cried and once again jump back to the empty pool and staring singing and dancing making Nunew laugh hard...Nunew couldn't stop laughing watching Zee singing and dancing. It took few minutes to stop laughing. Nunew then wipes his tears from his cheeks and looked at Zee..

"We'd make great friends" Nunew says as Zee nods in response

Days passed into weeks, weeks into months and months into years. Now they are always together everywhere. Zee wasn't sure how hanging at the empty pool become his favorite things with Nunew. He likes spending his time with Nunew. Zee didn't even realized when he started to feel something more than friends with Nunew while Nunew too didn't realized the growing feeling but afraid to confess as they were friends and like everyone could think he was after money as Zee belongs to a rich family while Nunew grew up in an orphanage...

Zee didn't know when it stared but he was sure that he wanted Nunew in his life for a long time and permanently. Zee mother refused to acknowledge that his son was not into women but in men.. Both Zee and Nunew were together for a long time since they became friends. Zee understand Nunew was smart, always reading books and he enjoyed his company. Zee has never enjoyed anyone company this much in his entire life not even his parents makes him feel cared and happy...Zee decided to propose Nunew for marriage as soon as Nunew started working...

"Nunew I love you and I will always protect you heart and always treat it like it mine. I will always love you and treat you right. You will always be my number one. And I promise you this that you will always be my first and last love...." Zee told Nunew as he hold his hand...


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