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Zee cough after hearing Nunew. At first Nunew frown as he watch Zee reaction but when the word relation register in his brain he immediately felt flustered using the word out of nowhere. But still Nunew looked at Zee with boba eyes who was standing Infront of him...

"Hia...we hardly talk about our past greeting when you come to pick up kids during weekends. You used to be my best friend and we knew everything about each other but now you feel like a stranger to me and I don't really like it" Nunew said as Zee froze..

Nunew get up and stand Infront of Zee and collected all his thoughts and courage...

"I miss our friendship...Can I get my friend back?" Nunew ask

"Friends?" Zee repeated

Nunew stayed quiet as he was giving such a good chance to Zee and here he was waiting for Zee answer. Deep down Nunew knew Zee will definitely accept his friendship...

"I would love too...I miss talking to you" Zee replied and smiled finally

"Tell me what have I missed" Nunew ask as he pulled Zee at the couch and smile..

"I got a new assistant Net. He is really noisy but caring. He is really good at work. His husband is great cook. Actually they were the one who made me see Mark" Zee said

"Ohhh...he is married" Nunew said in a amused tone

"Yes to James... He is a freelancer writer" Zee said

"You seems close to them" Nunew said

"They are the only friends I got....What about you?" Zee asked back

"I had edited one published book and currently I'm editing happiness sequel" Nunew said...

"You love that book.. editing a sequel must be a dream come true" Zee said.

"It is though" Nunew broadly smile and turned red..

"Want to tell me the spoiler...anything" Zee tease

"All this is for you to find out" Nunew said as he stick his tongue out..

"I would happily read it" Zee laughed and said...

Nunew felt warmed thinking Zee still remember everything about his favorite book. They both felt so free as it felt like their relationship paused for a year and now they are back again. Both felt they are once again young , carefree and happy talking to each other about anything.. After a few minutes they got interrupted when door opened with Jake and Mimi walk inside the house...

"Daddyyy.. Its really you" Mimi ran and shouted cheerfully

Zee picked his princess up in his arms, kissing his daughter head and cheeks. Jake went inside to his Papa and Nunew kissed on Jake head. Jake didn't look at Zee and straight walk away.. Nunew watch Jake and suddenly realized Jake calls and text Zee often but he never talks with Zee Infront of him for some reason..

"You can watch some tv.. I will help her change first" Nunew ask Zee as he nods in reply...

Zee put down Mimi and Nunew take her and went in her room asking question about her day and did she ate her lunch properly. Nunew gave Mimi a quick shower and put on her some dress..

"How about we all watch Tv with Daddy after eating?" Nunew ask as Mimi cheer happily.

"I wanna cuddle with Daddy" Mimi said excitedly

"I'm sure Daddy wants to cuddle with his princess too" Nunew said smiling

Once Nunew dressed Mimi properly Mimi immediately run out to where Zee was sitting.. Nunew came behind and Zee already got busy with Mimi. Their daughter already started telling stories about her day and Nunew realize Jake is still not down after shower so he made his way towards Jake room..

Sometimes it shock Nunew how much Jake looks like Zee with his almond shape eyes when he is not wearing his glasses...

"You going down to Daddy?" Nunew ask

"I will if you answer my question...What happened to Jay and why Daddy is here at this hour?" Jake ask as he turned around

"Jay got suspended for a month from school and I can't tell you reason why.. You have to trust me on this. Daddy is here for us. We both are friends again" Nunew said as he sat down..

The brush Jake was holding in his hand suddenly dropped on the floor in shock. Jake was afraid his parents was again fighting but now he smirk at his Papa...

"I'm going out to meet Daddy and I will find out about Jay even if you don't tell me" Jake said

Nunew laugh at his son as he never missed a chance to amaze him.. Nunew got up from Jake bed and ruffles his neatly made hair...

"A little suspense won't harm you" Nunew muttered walking away

In the end Nunew knocks at Jay bedroom. He pushed the door and saw his on facing the wall. Its hurts Nunew to see his boy like this. Nunew went and sit beside Jay and he wraps his hands around Jay shoulder..

"I'm sorry Papa" Jay said immediately as he felt Nunew hand

"I know baby...I know you are" Nunew says

"Have you taken anything else beside these two?" Nunew once again asked

"No.." Jay replied

"How many did you take ?" Nunew asked

"One or two but never past that" Jay honestly replied

"Can you prove me that you are better than this? That you are my smart and wonderful boy that I raised and proud of" Nunew ask as he believes his son

"I will Papa but please don't stop trusting me" Jay said as Nunew smiled and kissed his forehead

"You are taking therapy...Your Daddy will take you" Nunew said as Jay immediately pulled away from Nunew hold and looked at Nunew in shock..

Nunew heart hurts thinking Jay haven't forgotten what happened a year ago but for now he had enough.. Nunew say Jay is about to say something...

"Its final Jay...We made this decision for you. Wash your face and come down.. We are watching tv together with Daddy. Its your turn to pick a movie" Nunew said with serious face and ruffles Jay hair and walk away...

Nunew and Jake carries a large tray of fruit salad bowls and juice. Mimi took her bowl and Nunew hand Zee his bowl with a smile. In few minutes Jay comes downstairs and sit further away from everyone. When Jay look at Nunew his Papa shook his head and motioned him to come and sit closer with everyone. Jay got up and sit beside Nunew as he put his head on Nunew shoulder and they watch movies. Nunew looked around his whole family sitting together enjoying movies and realized that he never felt this much happy since a long time...

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