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Immediately the mental image of Zee naked under the shower pops up in Nunew head. He literally shook his head sighing loudly. He wasn't ready for that yet.

"Text me when you are done" Nunew said

"Okay darling" Zee replied

Once the call gets disconnected Nunew laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling for a minute then got up from his bed and made his way to his bathroom. He slid the mirror aside and pulled out his hidden compartment.

He smiled looking at the picture and pulled out a toy but before anything happened, he heard a small knock on his door. Nunew closed the compartment and put the mirror back to its place. When he came out he saw his bedroom door pushed open a bit and Mimi was poking her head inside.

"Little one I thought You were sleeping?" Nunew said slowly

Mimi was in her purple pajamas, her hair looking scattered. Nunew took his daughter into his arms and brought her into his bed. She cuddles closer to Nunew.

"Why you're not sleeping?" Nunew asked slowly

"Don't know Papa I wanna cuddle with You tonight" Mimi replied

Nunew gently starts patting her back and as soon as she closes her eyes in Nunew embrace until she falls asleep. He held on to his little girl close to him and his phone started ringing with his husband name just after a minute.

Nunew picks up and this time he wasn't greeted by his husband's sexy sweaty body. Instead Zee was wearing white shirt and he was on his bed resting his head on the headboard. As soon as Win picked up the video call

"Is that our princess there?" Zee asked as Nunew angled his phone so that Zee could get their daughter's perfect view..

"Yeah she wanted to cuddle with me" Nunew said as Zee softly smiled

"She's adorable just like mini you '' Zee said as Nunew smiled..

They talked for a bit then Nunew informed his husband about Jay having a boyfriend in his class. After hearing the news Zee gets a bit shocked. He asks Nunew when they're going to meet their future son in law. Nunew giggled and said he'll let him know after asking Jay about it. They both were equally excited to meet Tim.

"Speaking of the meeting. Can we go to the beach this weekend? It's my turn with kids. I want us all to go together. It can be like a family date" Zee said...

Nunew wanted that. It would be wonderful to spend some time with kids and Zee. Plus they haven't been to the beach in a while. On top the weather was also warm. It would be great to spend some time in water with his family.

Nunew happily agreed and asked Zee he will inform the kids in the morning and get back to him then after a moment Zee digging his teeth in his lower lip

"It's out of the way can I take you out for lunch Tomorrow. I'll come and pick you" Zee said

Zee was worried if Nunew would say no they are eating lunch together every day since they talk and want to try. Nunew broadly smiled and easily agreed for another lunch date. He asked Zee to pick him up from his work as he had his monthly meeting the next day. He gave Zee his work place address. Zee has never been to the Nunew work place before. For some reason Nunew felt a little excited to show Zee his workplace.

"Have I told you. I like you alot?" Zee asked as Nunew tried his best to quietly giggles without waking up his daughter. He felt like he is again seventeen and meeting Zee for the first time.

"Flirting won't take u anywhere Mr. Husband" Nunew said giggling

"It won't hurt to hear it again" Zee said

"I like You very much Nunew Panich" Zee said as he couldn't help but smile broadly

"I like you very much Zee Pruk Panich" Nunew said smiling

Zee picked up his husband and kids from Nunew house in his SUV. The sun was out and the beach was almost full with people. Some people were lying on their blanket, some were on their beach chair and some were swimming.

Zee offered to book a private beach for his family but Nunew thought it would be a perfect opportunity for Jake and Mimi to mix well and interact with other children.

"Mimi if you don't sit still I'll get sunscreen in your eyes" Nunew warned her daughter

She was already itching to go and play with her new friend she met as soon as they reach on the beach. There was a little girl named Amy and she was shoveling sand alone, Mimi wanted to join the Amy ASAP.

Once Nunew was done putting sunscreen on her body she ran away like a bullet train where her new friend was waiting for herash was lounging on his chair his glasses were on as he watch everyone on the beach having fun and swimming in the water.

Jay was busy reading some book which Nunew is sure his boyfriend Tim makes him read. He was well aware of his son books choices but when he saw Attachment by Rowell he understood it must be Tim's choice.

After a while Nunew saw there were another little girl joined Sia and Amy. The three of them were building castle. He observe the little girls hard work, it was the best castle he would had ever seen in his life. And Ohh he was not at all biased huh.

"Here we go '' Zee said

He was holding large bags of drinks and foods he prepared for everyone. He took out the chilled bottle of mountain dew, handing it off to Jake and Jay first. He gave the same to Nunew and settled down beside Nunew with cherry coke.

Both boys chorus their Thankyou and Nunew does the same. Zee was wearing just a pair of black trunks, leaving all his glories exposed. His hair was gel free and disheveled falling on his forehead. There was a slant five o'clock shadow on his face making him look more sexy.

Zee smooth skin, well toned abs, his honey coloured legs, his gorgeous smile, those bright glints in his eyes all made Nunew want to kiss his man right then and there. Mimi yelled, motioning her little hands at the castle she built with her friends

''Daddy see... See '' Zee cheers at her and raises his two thumbs up at his daughter with a big smile. They already pressed their chair together so that they were touching each other not much but at least their elbow and legs were.

"Did You put on sunscreen?" Zee asked

"Hmm Jake helped" Nunew replied

"I brought sandwiches, chips and some fries. I wasn't sure what else to add" Zee said as Nunew  chuckle

"Hia you could have just called me" Nunew said as Zee pout and he held Win hand in his

"I wanted to do it. It was my idea for us to come here" Zee explained as he raised their hands and kissed Nunew knuckle

"Thankyou for doing this. For today. I'm very happy" Nunew said softly

"Don't Thank me. It's what I should do. I love them and y... . I missed this. I missed spending time with You all four like this. This time I'm going to try my fucking best not to messed up again" Zee said as he squeeze Nunew fingers a bit.

Nunew gently cupped Zee cheeks and closed the distance between them. He pressed a soft kiss on his husband's lips while Zee pulled Nunew a bit harder closer to himself and deepened their kiss.

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