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It was bit past 7pm in the evening when Nunew got home after attending his monthly meeting. Jay was baby sitting Jake and Mimi. When Nunew enter he saw Mimi was styling her doll hair and Jake was having his notes out...

"I'm home babies" Nunew yelled to grab his kids attention..

"We are no more babies Papa" Jake groans and says

"My home my rules.. If I want to call you babies then I will baby" Nunew says smiling

"Papa someone again sent flowers for you...its in your room" Jay says when Nunew was about to go into his bedroom..

"Ok thank you for informing" Nunew says as walks towards his bedroom

The look on Jay and Jake was similar to almost like they were about to tease. Nunew didn't said anything and he just made his way to his bedroom thinking he got noisy kids..

Zee was again went to his therapy session. He was opening up slowly but now he was a bit good. Last therapy session made him cry a lot....

"How do you feel if we had Mr. Chawarin in one of our session?" Therapist ask as Zee froze for a moment.

"Not now but maybe in future" Therapist said

"I would like that but I'm not sure if he could like to come" Zee said..

"Have you seen Mr. Chawarin since our last week session?" Therapist ask as Zee shook his head

"And how do you feel about it?" Therapist ask

"Sad... I always want to hug him. I want to kiss him. I want to spend time with all of them. I want us to be a family again" Zee said as he sigh

"You didn't go to Mr. Chawarin house to meet kids other than weekends. Can you tell me why?" Therapist ask

"Guilt... I feel like I did very bad with them and I don't deserve to be happy. This is kind of my punishment to suffer loneliness. I hurt them for what I was doing outside behind their back" Zee said quietly..

"Can you tell me what you were doing outside behind their back" Therapist ask

"I was seeing Saint" Zee said honestly

"He was your boyfriend or lover?" Therapist ask as Zee shook his head

"For me he was just a person who look like Nunew. I didn't really had any feeling for him. He just reminded me of Nunew when we were in college days and I couldn't help myself" Zee replied

"What did you do with him like what was the extent?" Therapist ask

"Kissing. I couldn't go past it. Kissing him always felt wrong. After kissing my stomach always turn in a painful knot" Zee inform truthfully

"Did Saint knew about this?" Therapist ask as Zee shook his head.

"Do you still talk to Saint?" Therapist ask again

"No I haven't talk or seen him since the day at McDonald" Zee said....

While Nunew was deeply buried in the paper on his work desk when he received a call from Jay school which was really unexpected...

"Mr. Chawarin Panich this call is regarding your son Jay Panich" The lady spoke..

Nunew heartbeat was increasing rapidly after hearing Jay name...

"What happened to Jay?" Nunew immediately ask

"We would like you to come down to the school to see the principle as this is the matter that concerned both to you and your husband. We already called Mr. Zee Panich and he is on his way" The lady said..

Nunew didn't hear anything anymore. He grab his keys and left immediately. Nunew couldn't stop himself from thinking all the negative and worst things. By the time he reached he was worried sick.. Nunew didn't know he forgot to breath until he saw Zee and let out a big sigh loudly. It was more than a month that they met and talk to each other.

"Do you know what happened?" Nunew ask Zee

"I have no idea...Lets go in" Zee said

Nunew realized Zee face was pale and he look extremely worried for his son. Both were looking completely worried thinking all sort of worst things happened with Jay. Zee knock and opened the door for Nunew to get inside first. After entering both saw Jay principle was staring their son. Jay was seated on the other side of the room. His bags were beside him. His face hangs low and Nunew felt relief looking at his son alright. They took the seat Infront of the principle..

"I know you both are wondering why we have called you" Principle said as Zee put his hand on Nunew back knowing Nunew is worried sick...

"Yes please let us know" Zee said

"Mr. Panich one of the teacher caught your son in the bathroom with weeds and some pills" Principle said as he pulled his drawer and put the packet in front of Zee and Nunew.

Nunew took a deep breath as he tried to pull himself together. His eyes suddenly sting and clouded with tears...

"Jay is sober now. We had the nurse check him for any symptoms and he is okay. Jay has been suspended for 1 month and his thirty marks will be deducted from his school work. His suspension is effective immediately" Principle said as Zee and Nunew stares in shock...

"I don't know what is going on at home but as a parents you should watch your kids properly.. Its always starts from.." Principal said but stop as Zee immediately stood up..

"Thank you for informing us. Jay get your bag.. We are leaving now....Nu..." Zee said but Nunew kept quiet and they left the office..

Nunew couldn't believe what he just heard inside. He gave his kids everything they ask but Jay had other intention. Nunew abruptly stop and took out his phone. He wanted to know what the drug name principle said so he searched in his phone. A blue tongue just like icing on the cake.. He remember Jay used to come home with blue tongue and each time Jay would say it was candy....

"What the hell I was doing that I didn't notice my son taking some freaking pills. What if I had find out and Jay moved into something stronger pills. What if one day I had seen Jay mouth filled with foam?" Nunew muttered slowly..

Nunew almost fall down but Zee held him immediately. Zee supported Nunew and took him to the car and Jay quietly followed behind his parents....

"Hia...You can meet us at my home.. We have to discuss this and think about what to do. He is your son too" Nunew said as Zee nodded his head in reply..

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