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Nunew woke up and blinked a few times and found out he was at his place. It was his same old familiar ceiling he had watch after waking up every morning since years. Nunew sit up slowly and looked at the closed curtain when his eyes went on a picture of him and Zee with their children. He stares at his family pictures that was taken last year when they went out for picnic.....

Suddenly the door pushed open Nunew saw Zee slowly enter their bedroom. As soon as Nunew saw Zee face everything came rushing to him. He remembers at McDonald's with his children. He find Zee and his.... What should he call the boy. Lover, Home wrecker or fucking boy toy.

"Nu are you alright?" Zee slowly ask

Nunew didn't said anything and he gets up straight and went into bathroom. He rinse his face and brush his teeth. While doing so he ask himself.. Is it his fault, all this time he thought it is....maybe he did something that Zee drifted away, maybe he said something to Zee or something he did which Zee didn't like. Now Nunew know he didn't do anything. He didn't ask his husband to go out and cheat on him. He always stay loyal and never even once thought of cheating his husband. He wipes his face which had tears and decided that he should leave Zee and right now his kids are more important....

He came out of bathroom and saw Zee sitting on their bed with a sad face...

"Baby are you alright?" Zee ask immediately when he saw Nunew walk out of bathroom

Nunew looked at Zee eyes and he laughed. The sound of laugh was never heard before by Nunew nor Zee. It was an ugly and dark...

"Are you fucking kidding me Hia?" Nunew bitterly said

"Baby" Zee said muttered

"Everyday you comes home late with marks on your back. You miss everything from Jake projects to Jay birthday. Your daughter miss you every single day. I told myself that my husband would never cheat on me even when the evidence was right Infront of my eyes" Nunew yelled angrily at Zee

"Nu we can talk please...I couldn't talk to you.." Zee try to explain

Nunew grabbed the first thing and throws at Zee side. The vase narrowly missed Zee and broke the family picture frame. The picture frame crashed and falls to the ground.

"How could you do this Hia. We were your family, I was your husband and you couldn't talk" Nunew screamed and said..

"You are still my husband Nu" Zee said in a pleading tone

"Do you think I will stay with you after everything and don't ever think about the kids.. I will never let them stay with you" Nunew angrily said

"Nu they are my kids too" Zee argued

"Ohh now they are your kids too. Where were you when your daughter got flu and I was so fucking worried because I had flu too. There was no one to take care of us Hia so Jay has to step up. Our 16 year old son. Where were you when Jake keep asking him for his Dad in the middle of the night. where were you that you couldn't even wish your son happy 15 birthday" Nunew laugh darkly and said...

"I am sorry about that.. so sorry for everything Nu.. I didn't knew about you having flu" Zee softly muttered.

"Of course you don't know about it Hia. When did you ask about their grades, about their well being. You even forgot promises, birthday and school events. Sorry won't fix this Hia. Its too late now and I don't even need it anymore" Nunew said and walk out of their room and Zee immediately follows him..

"Where are you going Nu?" Zee ask in desperate tone

"Looking for my kids and then we are gone. You are free to go to anyone you want" Nunew said straight

"No I'm not going anywhere and you can't leave me. I love you" Zee said in a pleading tone..

Nunew turned around to look at his husband face. He saw Zee eyes, nose and ears were all deep shade of red as he's been crying but right now Nunew doesn't care about anything. Nunew didn't said anything and turned away..

"Nu I'm really sorry... I took you for grante." Zee didn't get to say as Nunew walked away...

Nunew continues to search for his children. He couldn't find Jake and Mimi in their bedroom...

"Nu stop please.. I will not let you go" Zee said as he continue to follow Nunew...

Nunew stopped and he looked around the house and felt as if each corner is mocking him...

"Do you love him?" Nunew ask as he turned around and looked at Zee eyes

"Who?" Zee ask with a frown while Nunew walked towards Zee and he slapped his cheeks tightly...

"I need you to tell me the truth. Do you love him. How long has this been going on?" Nunew ask in angry tone

"F... Five months and I don't love him Nu" Zee looked down and said

"So you are telling me you don't love him who ruined our marriage.. Do you remember how in love we were.. Everything we felt for each other was so beautiful. We were so happy. All this time I was thinking what I did to make you this upset? What was my fault that you don't like to spend you time with us anymore" Nunew said as he ran his fingers in his hair

"You didn't do anything Nu. It was all my fault. I couldn't talk to you about my issues" Zee said softly still looking down as tears streaming non stop

"What do you want to tell the kids because I would rather jump off the cliff than let them stay with man who doesn't want them" Nunew said

"I do want them Nu please... Baby I love them as much as I love you... I love you Nu" Zee said in a desperate tone

"You don't Hia and its hurts me every time you lies. Do you still remember what you said to me in your vows? Tell me loudly I want to hear those lies once again" Nunew said

"I told you....." Zee opened his mouth and said...

"Louder Zee Pruk Panich" Nunew angrily yelled at Zee...

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