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Both boys' lips pressed together and moved in sync. Nunew pressed himself closer by wrapping his hands around Zee's waist going on his toes as Zee licks his way into Nunew mouth. Their tongues dance together and the two of them want some more. But before the soft passionate kiss escalated further they pulled apart for air.

Not moving from each other. Their forehead rested on each other breathing each other's air. The tingle was still there in their hearts, they felt the same spark from each other's touches, they both wanted more and they felt the same familiar warmth of each other. It felt so good. Both husbands felt like coming home after a year. Everything about Zee and their relationship makes wind feel like coming home.

"Thankyou" Zee whispered as Nunew confusingly looked into Zee eyes

"For what?" Nunew asked

Both were whispering like they didn't want anyone else to hear them and it's only their secret to share...

"For my second chance" Zee said as Nunew cupped Zee cheek in his both hands gently

"Hia I told you. You weren't the only one at fault" Nunew replied as Zee leaned on to steal a little kiss from Nunew lip..

"I know but I'm just thankful" Zee said immediately as Nunew smiled and he didn't know what else to say like always as they stayed closer and tangled in each other's arms before pulling apart but still kept their fingers locked.

"Let me take my jacket and we go" Zee said

Nunew let go his husband hand and he watch his husband with glittering love eyes. Zee was dressed immaculately in dark Hugo Boss suit with white shirt and shiny shoes. His hair styled on sides. Nunew slipped his hand in Zee and they walk out together. Nunew wave Net goodbye and Net happily wave him a flying kiss..

"P'Net seems great" Nunew muttered as Zee nods his head

"He's great. He pulled me together and make me see Mark. He also accompanied me few times" Zee said

"I'm glad You had friends with you and you weren't alone" Nunew replied as Zee raised their hands and kissed Nunew knuckles...

"I was never alone, I had the thought of you and our kids to keep me company" Zee said as Nunew smile and he pressed a kiss on Zee cheek hearing that. They both walk towards Nunew car to go for their lunch date.

Later Nunew came back and leaned against the door after dinner watching Jay doing dishes. He was dressed in a gray shirt with gray sweatpants and socks. He folded his hand on his chest

"So Timmy?" Nunew said suddenly as Jay felt cornered hearing the name of his new boyfriend. He turned around to see his Papa with wide eyes and then returned back and continued doing his dishes.

"Potter snitched" Jay muttered

In the library his little brother saw him and his boyfriend. Jay wasn't expecting Jake to find out about it. But Jake not only finds the other boy with Jay, is his brother's boyfriend and he also sent their pictures to Nunew. A picture of Timmy and Jay hand in hand he captioned 'Guess who has a boyfriend'...

"If I say no would you believe me" Jay asked as he turned and looked at his Papa

"Not in a million years" Nunew said as he smirk

Nunew laugh and walk inside he sat on a chair then Jay rinse his hand then he also sit beside his Papa.

"You look totally whipped" Nunew muttered

"Look who's talking I saw all the flowers in your bedroom Dad is sending" Jay immediately said as Nunew cheeks immediately heat up on his son's words, he nudge Jay playfully with his shoulder

"You know more about My love life than I do about yours. I don't want to pull the card of you stay under my roof so tell me everything" Nunew said as Jay laugh at his Papa..

Jay informed him that he met him a year ago. He doesn't wanted to say he was crying that time so he twisted the story by saying he had a leaky nose and the boy Tim was sitting beside him and he gave him his handkerchief. Jay explain how he fell for the boy eyes. He finds him the cutest and smarty-pants just like him.

Nunew quietly listen to his son observing his excitement while Jay talking about his first boyfriend. Can we blame him? Jay got genes from Zee and Nunew after all.After talking with Jay for an hour Nunew

"Hope You're not pressuring him and taking care of him properly" Nunew says as Jay nods his head.

Nunew ruffles his son's hair he pressed a kiss and wish him goodnight and went to check up on his other kids. He makes sure everything was closed and lights were off in the bedroom. He pressed a kiss on Mimi hair pulled her duvet till shoulder then he went to check Jake. He wishes good night to his little boy he pressed a kiss and walk out of his bedroom.

Nunew then went to his own bedroom he changed his Jeans into his pajama bottoms but left the shirt and socks on. He check the time and it was already 10:30 PM as he crawl into his bed and check his phone he smile when he saw Zee message

"You up?" Zee texted

"Yup just finished talking to our little one" Nunew replied

" Sia, Yash or Jay?" Zee immediately asked as Nunew laugh after reading Zee message, only him and Nat know he refers all his children as little ones.

Nunew felt desperate and wanted to see his handsome man's face before he slept. He made a video call to Zee instead of replying to his message. Zee picked the call after a couple of rings and Nunew just stared at him, like he was looking at his favorite snack. Nunew could only see Zee defined chest and his husband's delicious abs. The phone shook a little then Nunew saw his man's face. Zee grin wide watching his husband lost somewhere

"Babe!" Zee called

Babe haa Oh My God Nunew could think about everything. Nunew felt extremely happy and giggly just from that one word hearing from Zee mouth. He should really stop asking himself if it is meant to be like this. He is supposed to feel everything in the same way just like when he was seventeen.

"Hia, What are you doing?" Nunew asked

"I was exercising. It's something I took a while ago" Zee replied

Zee was panting a little and Nunew can see the sweat on his face. Now this was a hot sight. He hasn't seen his husband sweating for a while and just Wow... wow it looks so hot . Nunew could feel the heat rushed to his south. He shook his head to divert his mind.

"Thankyou for the cute flowers" Nunew said as both boys already having lunch everyday together and this week flower theme was daffodils with sunflower as per Zee..

"Of course Beautiful flowers for Beautiful person. Scratch that ..gorgeous" Zee said as Nunew chuckle hearing his husband's cheesy line

"Flattery will get you nowhere Hia" Nunew said

"I beg to differ" Zee asked

"You're silly" Nunew said as he laugh

"Not silly just a grown up man" Zee said as he laugh too

They talk for a bit as Zee roam around in his house drinking water, taking out sweatpants from his closet to wear after shower. Zee check his door locked and put off the lights while carrying the phone around. Nunew had ask his husband to check kitchen door and light. Zee double checked everything a

"I wants to go take shower" Zee said suddenly

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