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After they had order Pizza and eat their dinner it was now the bed time and Nunew tucked Jake and Mimi and came back to his oldest son room..

"You okay" Nunew ask his son who nods in reply

"Papa, no waiting tonight too" Jay says and Nunew pause for a moment

"No, waiting tonight" Nunew replied and smiled

"Just go back to sleep.. I'll make breakfast tomorrow and you don't have to wake up early" Jay said as Nunew hold himself from going and hugging his son.

"Thank you darling" Nunew said as he nods and smiled

"Anything for you Papa" Jay said

"Good Night darling" Nunew said and left

He went back to his room and start doing his night routine. When Nunew came out from his shower he remembers that he didn't kept anything for his husband and they ordered and ate everything. He got worried for a brief but he shrugged his thoughts and got inside the sheets. And for the first time in a year Nunew slept without waiting for his husband to be back home...

Next morning Nunew woke up in the arms of Zee. Zee laid flat on bed and Nunew head was on Zee chest. Saturday were always Nunew favorite day because he always get a little bit of Zee attention before he disappeared for the rest of the day. Now when Nunew knows what Zee is doing and where he goes he decided not to ask or expect anything because frankly he doesn't want his husband makes excuses or worst lie to him. As Zee observe Nunew movement he woke and kissed all over Nunew face. Nunew gave his smile when their eyes met. Nunew felt good in Zee arms. Its feels like everything is just perfect and beautiful between them.

"Morning Love" Zee whispered near Nunew ear

"Morning Hia" Nunew replied

"I love how you smell" Zee said as he gently play with Nunew hair

"Just smell" Nunew asked

"I love everything about you" Zee replied as he continue stroking his fingers in Nunew hair

Hearing Zee words Nunew felt extremely happy. Its always been like this but not now. Nunew knows he shouldn't believe in his husband's every words. Zee has maybe forgotten his vows he took during their wedding but not Nunew.

"You staying home right, kids wants to spend some time with you especially Mimi" Nunew ask though he already know the answer.

When Nunew didn't get any response and look at his husband body stiffen once he mentioned kids so Nunew pulled himself up from Zee chest and stands up looking at Zee..

"What that suppose to mean" Zee glared and asked

Zee stand up from bed and Nunew saw he was only wearing the pants. Nunew felt the rush in his body but he fought the urge to pull his husband. Instead he turned and checked the time and it was already 8am. He needs to go check his kids but he turned around and glared at his husband

"Hia what I mean is you haven't been home at night. Kids miss you and they want to spend some time with you. They are not only mine but yours too. The one we brought into this world, the one I raised." Nunew yelled at Zee..

Nunew was about to walked out of the room as he didn't want to have an argument early in the morning but Zee grabbed his arms and pulled him back. Zee looked angry on Nunew and Nunew wanted to find some kind of guilt on Zee face but there was nothing...

"Nu you know I work long hours to pay for the house you live comfortably. To pay for the food you buy. To pay for the kids school fees. I always comes home to take rest but you kept nagging and complaining. I even left my parents for you" Zee said angrily

And that was the last word that made Nunew gave up. He felt a tight slap on his face as he stand Infront of his husband. He then walked towards the bedside table, took his wallet and pulled out his cards which Zee gave him and throw the cards at Zee chest..

"I have completed my studies too you know that. I gave up my job so that I can take care of our kids and this is how you repay me. I cooked, clean and wash all the dirty thing and kept the house cleaned and this is what you say to me. I have no life outside this home and this marriage and this is how you treat me" Nunew angrily said and walked towards the door but stopped at the doorknob..

"Hia... I never once said you to left your parents for me.. It was your decision when I clearly told you they will never accept me. But you said it didn't matter as long as I was with you" Nunew said as his eye filled with tears and he left the room.

Nunew walked out of his room leaving Zee shocked and once he was outside he saw all his kids standing outside and he know they all heard the argument happened inside his room. He ask Jay and Jake to pack a bag as they are going to spend the weekend at Nat place. Both boys didn't ask anything and just went to do as their Papa said. Nunew picked up Mimi and took her to get ready and pack her bag. Nunew saw the fear look on his boys eyes that he doesn't want to. He want his kids to spend their weekend happily and this is what the first thing came into Nunew mind to leave the house for day or two.....

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