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"How about ice cream after dinner?" Nunew ask immediately to change the atmosphere

"Yes..." Both children cheered excitedly

They finished all their sandwiches and then gave hug to Nunew. Once Nunew finish cleaning the table, he settles down with Jake and Mimi in front of tv until it was 6pm. Then Nunew sent Jake to bring his homework and get it down while he prepare dinner. Jake bring his bag and book and settled on the kitchen around the table with his homework with his baby sister...

Jay walks in by 6:30pm and he directly came into the kitchen like always. He saw Nunew is cooking while helping Jake with his homework and Mimi coloring her book. He came and join his family at the table. Jay smiled looking at his little sister coloring frog with purple color. He also pulled out his books to do his homework. It's not easy to maintain A grade in every subject. Jay wonders how his Papa manage everything while cooking. He's helping Jake with his homework and assisting Mimi on the side. And occasionally helping him too with his homework. Jays knows his Papa can handle everything alone because he's a strong person.

Once they finish their homework Nunew serves them their dinner. After dinner they all had ice cream and while eating they talk about their day and Nunew listen carefully as it was the most amazing thing he ever heard. As the clock strikes 9:30pm all children goes back to their room, get cleaned and Nunew kissed Jake and then Mimi telling them good night. Then Nunew walk towards Jay room to check. He knock before he pushed it open reveling Jay laying down on his bed with his phone on his hand....

"You okay Jay" Nunew ask softly

"Yeah I'm okay" Jay replied quietly

"Do you need anything" Nunew as his son

"Don't wait tonight" Jay replied as Nunew brows furrowed in confusion and looked at his son

"Don't wait for Dad tonight. Please go to sleep early. You look like dead on your feet and I know you didn't took nap in the afternoon" Jay said as Nunew got stunned for a moment hearing his son but he knew his son is right.

"I will" Nunew replied softly

"Good night Papa" Jay brightly smiled and said

"Good Night sugar" Nunew said with smile and close the door and walk away

Nunew made sure all the doors and windows were closed before he goes into his room. He takes a quick shower and settled in his bed. He kept twisting and turning. Nunew check the time and its showed 11:30pm. He went to check up on his kids making sure they were alright before he goes back to the room. He came back to sleep but he couldn't able to. There was a time when he couldn't able to sleep without Zee's warmth so he used to lay awake until his husband comes back and makes him sleep and now he's still the same, everything is still same in his eyes except Zee. Nunew stays awake until Zee comes back at 2am in the morning....

Nunew kept staring at his husband. He doesn't talk to him nor said anything. Zee walks in their bedroom and he doesn't even acknowledge that Nunew was still awake. Nunew pulls the sheet over his head and relaxes. Nunew eyes sting watching his husband as he tries his hardest not to let his tears fall. Zee slowly took off his clothes and gets into the bed wearing only pants and Nunew couldn't take it anymore so he decided to talk or he won't be able to sleep...

Nunew pulled the sheets and turn towards Zee. His tears fall on his cheeks as he saw it. He sees them all over his husband's back like an artwork. They look fresh and Nunew wouldn't breath for a moment. He knows very well the scratch mark on Zee's back is not from him because last time they had sex with his husband was a year ago. Nunew gets up from the bed immediately and walks out of the room. He ignores Zee who kept calling him from behind. Nunew grabs his jacket, keys and wallet and left the house without looking back at Zee....

Nunew took the cab and ask the driver to drop him to a park far away. Far away turned out to be an hour away from his resident park. Nunew walk around a little as it was still dark and chilled out and he was still wearing his pajamas. He wanted something hot to drink. He went inside a café and ordered coffee. He didn't sit in the café thinking when his tears fall like a river. He took his coffee and went back to the park. Nunew sat on the bench and took a sip of his coffee.

Cheating!!! was the only word that came to Nunew mind but it still sound extremely weird. Never in his life he thought Zee would cheat on him. Even after Zee's long absence year cheating was the last thing on his mind. All this time he thought that he has done something but now he know better. All this time his husband has found someone better to spend his time with. Nunew checks the time and it was 4:30am and Nunew pulled out his phone and checked to see 97 missed call from Zee..

Nunew chuckle and shook his head. This is the most calls he has gotten from Zee in a while. Nunew doesn't know what to do with his life anymore. His eyes hurts but his tears refuse to fall now. He doesn't want to cry because he doesn't want his children to see him all broke and hurt when he gets back home. He start thinking what he should do next. Should he confront Zee? Should he talk or shut keep quiet as if nothing happened. What will happen to his children.

"You okay" Someone said which made Nunew come out of his thoughts and jump a little.

He looks up from his seat and there was no one Infront of him and no one beside him.

"Just leave me alone please" Nunew said in an alerted tone

Nunew doesn't know whom he is speaking and what will happen next. He just wanted to be alone right now. Nunew then heard the stranger footsteps coming closer into his direction and soon the stranger was standing tall Infront of him.....

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