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"I will but you have to answer my question" Stranger as he stand Infront of Nunew

"I'm okay and thank you for asking" Nunew replied as he stares at the stranger

The stranger didn't said anything and just kept staring at Nunew. Nunew didn't dare to move as he was scared if he make a wrong move things can go out of his hand. He has read enough stories and watch movies where people sitting in the lonely park got killed or kidnapped. He doesn't want that because his children are still home and he has to take care of them.....

"Have a nice day" The stranger muttered and walked away with a little wave

Nunew was shocked and stares at the back of stranger. He thanks the heaven that nothing wronged happened with him. He stands up and walks in the opposite direction the stranger went to as he doesn't want to risk again. Nunew went back to the café and order another cup of coffee but he doesn't drink but instead stare the smoke coming out from the cup. Nunew check the time as it was 5am and now its his time to go back home as his children will need him soon. If he leaves now he will reach home by 6am and on the time he has to wake up his kids up and get them ready for school. The last thing Nunew wants his kids to worry and they are already so worried so he doesn't want to add up if they don't see him at home.....

As Nunew entered inside the house he saw Zee worriedly pacing in their living room. He was staring at his phone. The lights were dim and Nunew was thankful Zee wore one of his shirt and pants...

"Morning" Nunew greeted his husband as if nothing happened.

zee turned around so fast that Nunew thought his husband had injured his neck. Nunew would find it funny but in another situation not now. Zee blinked once, twice and then thrice. He ran towards Nunew and closed the distance between them. He wrapped his arms around Nunew and hug him tightly...

"Thank God you are safe.. I was so worried" Zee said as Nunew wanted to laugh but instead he let Zee hug him tightly..

When Zee let go of the hug, Nunew took two steps back and turned around to wake up his kids for the school. He walked past Zee and didn't look but Zee stop him when he was half upstairs..

"Nu...." Zee called him

"I'm fine Hia.. I need to wake up kids or else they will be late and you too get ready, Breakfast will be ready by the time you will come down" Nunew said but he didn't turned around.

Nunew quickly wakes kids up and both boys understood something is wrong with their Papa. Nunew prepared simple breakfast and both boys ate their breakfast carefully and not ask any question because Nunew looks like he will break anytime soon. Both boys finished and kissed Nunew cheeks and went to the school while Mimi was busy with her drawing and colors.

"Nu..."Zee called his husband once he came downstairs.

Nunew turned around and gave Zee a bright smile while he scrubbed the burned pot. He pointed his fingers towards the breakfast table....

"I cooked a simple breakfast.. Hope you don't mind" Nunew said and got busy again scrubbing at the pot.

He decides to just ignore the issues. Out of sight, out of his mind and that exactly what he will do. At least until Zee is wearing his shirt every morning. Before Zee comes back home he will go to the sleep then he don't have to look at his husband's carved body. For now out of sight and out of mind is the perfect plan to follow if he wants to save his marriage.

"You alright baby.... You just left abruptly. I was worried for you" Zee said softly

Nunew stops scrubbing and stares at the pot. He wonders if Zee was playing with him. He really does not know that he got marks on his body. Does Zee wants to insult him? What does his husband really want from him?.....

"Nu..." Zee call Nunew once again when he didn't get any response

"I just need breather Hiaaa" Nunew said as he turned around..

Suddenly Zee phone started ringing both husbands got startled hearing the tone. It was always on vibrate or silent. Zee pulled out his phone in such hurry that Nunew instantly got his answer. Nunew washed his hand and left the kitchen as he doesn't want to stay and listen his husband's words pretending while he was talking to his lover on the phone.

Nunew walk into Mimi's room and she saw was playing with her doll as usual. Nunew smiles as he watching his little girl taking care of her doll like her Mommy.. She was making her doll sleep on her lap while she is gently patting doll's tummy.

"My darling little mommy" Nunew Said to her daughter and coos her.

Mimi walk and sit on Nunew lap... He pulled out her new set of clothes as it was the first day Mimi goes to kinder garden today. Nunew prepared everything she will need after bath as it was a watery disaster but 30 minutes later she was all ready to go her pre school. When Nunew came out Zee was already gone. Nunew checked Mimi backpack and put everything she will need for the day.

"Baby do you remember when Daddy used to kiss me before going to work" Nunew said softly

"Daddy" Mimi said as he looked around as he looked around..

"Yeah right you do remember how he used to do it until a year ago but now he leaves and come back whenever he feels like" Nunew said as he look up at her daughter face.

"I miss those days.. Baby I miss your Daddy" Nunew said before he start the car

"I love you Papa" Mimi said cutely

Nunew doesn't know if Mimi understood his words or his sad face but he was glad as his heart filled with love and emotion. He kissed her daughter and smiled...

"I need a back up plan Mimi" Nunew said as he start his car and drove off...

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