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The ride was quiet until Nunew and Jay reached home. Whole time Jay looked outside and nervously played with his fingers. When Nunew pulled his car Jay went inside immediately. Nunew put his head on steering wheel and took a few deep breath to calm himself. Zee reached behind them in a few minutes later. He came out and knock on Nunew car window. Nunew let out a sigh and saw it was Zee...

"It's going to be alright don't worry" Zee said slowly..

"I fucking know that didn't I.. For years he was living with me and lying on my face like a liar" Nunew snapped angrily..

"I know Nu...You are mad but right now we need to talk to him" Zee said

"Oh now you know communication. What happened when you were cheating?" Nunew ask angrily as Zee runs his fingers in his hair..

"I know right now you are angry, mad, disappointed but can we focus on our boy. He looks beyond scared right now" Zee said..

Nunew was so ready to fight back but he knew Zee was right. Nunew didn't said anything and went inside..

"What the fuck you were thinking Jay Panich?" Nunew shouted angrily as Jay body shook in fear..

"How long?" Nunew ask angrily

"A year and half" Jay whispered as Zee sat at the edge of the couch..

"Where did you get them. You don't get them without prescription?" Zee ask softly as Jay stayed quietly and didn't answer

"Answer your Daddy Jay.. Who the hell did gave you the pills?" Nunew said as Jay kept quiet again

"One year Jay Panich.. You are grounded and I'm not lifting it up until you tell us.. So better speak up.. Who gave you the pills?" Nunew snapped angrily

"Charlie" Jay said slowly as Nunew looked at his son in shock...

"The one who is repeating the class" Nunew ask as Jay nod..

"Tell me why Jay?" Nunew sigh and ask slowly

"Because of you two. Before separation Papa was always alone, sad and crying. You both were always screaming at each other. I just wanted it to go away" Jay said as tears rolled down his eyes..

Zee and Nunew got shocked with Jay answer as if they just realized the extent of damage they did. Nunew tears finally fall on his cheeks while Zee jaw clenched and walks towards Jay...

"Pills is not the answer" Zee said

"It felt right that time" Jay yelled at Zee..

"You could have died son. It isn't something you can just pick. Some people overdose on their first try and find them dead. We could have lost you" Zee snapped

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry....sorry" Jay said as he looked at Nunew who tears were kept falling..

"Just sorry will not do Jay...I am so disappointed in you. You should have come to me.. You are grounded until I feel like lifting up. No laptop, no going out" Nunew said as went to his son

Jay started sobbing as Nunew held him and pressed a kiss on his son head. Zee too walk up to them and put his hand on Jay shoulder and rubs a little..

"You have to go for therapy Jay.. I know a good doctor and he is my assign doctor but he can help out or recommend someone" Zee said as Jay kept sobbing..

"You should go to your room" Nunew said..

As soon as Jay left Nunew collapse in Zee arms.. Zee held him tightly as Nunew kept crying... He held Zee neck tightly..

"We broke our son Hia.. We could have lost him. What if one morning I found foam in his mouth?" Nunew said as he cried

"Shh its fine baby.. He is alive. Our boy is strong. You hugged him and he is going to be fine. You raised him well and he will never do it again trust him. We know our son" Zee said as he let Nunew sit on his lap and rub his back as Nunew cried for hours on his chest..

Its been three hours and Zee was still in Nunew living room. Nunew came out freshly showered but his eyes were still red but less swollen. He was so much better than before...Zee looked at Nunew and felt its all right and got up to leave..

"Would you like you stay for dinner?" Nunew ask..

"I would love to" Zee replied with soft smile..

The whole day for Nunew was such a pain.. He just wanted the day to end quickly but he also didn't wanted Zee to left just yet. He was very much thankful that Zee stayed beside him, holding him together. Its been almost year that they mutually separate without divorce for the sake of their children but their separation still broke their kids. They haven't spoken more than a handful of words with each other. He still misses Zee, his warmth, his touch and so much more..

Nunew heart flutter when Zee softly smile and agreed to stay for dinner when he ask him. Nunew felt the weight from his chest lifted up a little bit..

"Let me quickly inform Mark that I won't be able to make it" Zee said as Nunew immediately got stiff as if suddenly someone put a cold water on his head..

"I wonder who is this Mark?" Nunew whisper silently as he played with his finger nervously..

"He is my doctor, my therapist" Zee said as he searched for Mark number on his phone..

"I didn't ask" Nunew said instantly..

"You just said.. You wonder who is this Mark?" Zee replied back

Nunew eye widened in shock after hearing Zee.. He blinks a few times and realized he said that loud but again Nunew stared thinking did Zee said therapist...

"Is everything okay Hia?" Nunew ask as Zee nods his head

"I have been seeing him for some months now. We talk a bit" Zee said

Nunew wonders that Zee didn't said anything about seeing the therapist.. Well he didn't ask anything either about Zee life...

"Mark ask me if you would like to join me in one of my session?" Zee asked nervously

"Is it really allowed? Can I really join you?" Nunew ask with a frown..

"Yes he said you can join if you want" Zee said...

Nunew looked at Zee... His husband had white shirt with a grey pants with shiny shoe. His hair little messy but looks perfect.. Nunew eyes fall down on to Zee fingers and saw their wedding ring still on at his husband ring finger. But strangely the man Infront of him make him so distanced. How closer they were when they were just friend and now when they are husband they don't know what going on in each other life.

Going to one of Zee therapy session would be an opportunity to understand Zee little better. Nunew really felt weird for not knowing what was going on in Zee head a year ago before their separation. This past months they were not even spoken like friends....

"Hia.. I don't like our present relation" Nunew said as Zee just looked at Nunew quietly

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