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True his words Zee came running under 10 minutes where Nunew was waiting. Nunew saw Zee running towards him with hair looked messy as if he has been running his fingers all day. Zee still got dark circles under his eyes as if he is not been sleeping enough for many days but as always his husband looks handsome as ever. Nunew immediately stand up on his feet when he saw Zee Infront of him..

"Nu...." Zee softy called

"Lets do it somewhere else" Nunew said as he walk past Zee into a little dark place where no one can see them..

"Tell me" Nunew said as he hold his hand around his chest

"I'm sorry sorry that you deserve so much more than this. I'm so sorry for putting you through this pain. I'm so sorry for breaking your heart and trust. I'm so sorry for the wrong way I treated our kids. You deserve all the happiness. You deserve someone who treat you like a queen" Zee said with wet eyes

"You did gave me all those things. You did make me special and so much more than a queen for years Hia" Nunew replied

"I'm so sorry Nu" Zee muttered softly

"Why" Nunew asked desperately

"Because I feel like a shit. Most of the time I look at you and I hated myself. You were always at home with me and the kids. You gave up your favorite job for us. I feel like I was holding you back for my selfishness. I married you because I wanted to give you all the happiness of this world but I felt like I took away all your favorite thing from you." Zee said as Nunew kept silent

"I don't know how to explain it but I felt guilty watching you tired, exhausted at the end of the day. It made me feel like a shit everyday. You were always working even after kids go to bed you are taking care of the house. You even stop reading you're favorite book because of me... For kids I was never good enough to be a father. I never knew what they needed most of the times and their things. I felt guilty when I couldn't able to help you out much with the kids. I don't know how to let it out and tell you what I was feeling that time" Zee said as Nunew started crying

"You always like to talk about books, read books and write small notes. I brought for you couple of books from the store Saint work. he helped me to choose and we start talking from there. I let it out everything Infront of him. When I looked back home you were always cooking, cleaning and taking care of kids until everyone fell asleep. You didn't get time to even touch any of the book anymore. I felt like I took away your greatest pleasure. I felt like more miserable when I couldn't able to look in your eyes. Unknowingly I broke my promise to keep you happy and I felt like I failed as a husband in my eyes. We talked for months before Saint kissed me a months ago. We only kissed and I never slept with him" Zee said as Nunew can only shed tears as he doesn't know what to say...what anyone will say after hearing this from their husband....

"Nu...I mean it when I say I never loved him. I only love you. I never felt anything for him. I never initiated any physical with him. It was always him kissing me to make me shut up from taking whenever I talk about I took away your happiness away. How much I feel guilty. I only love you Nu always have and always will" Zee said as he hold Nunew hand..

Nunew quietly listen while his eyes stings with tears which flow nonstop. He wanted to run away anywhere so he walked passed Zee but Zee immediately caught Nunew wrist tightly..

"Please Nu don't leave me" Zee said

"So it was my fault that I got busy...No matter how much I try to be better so that you can work without any problem. Even if I do everything you want me to do its seems it was my fault.. When I said I was not enough for you before our wedding you said we can worked on it and even when I told you I don't know about how to manage and take care of kids you said the same. Things that used to be good now are bad. If you have forgotten everything that we used to do together and promise to take care of each other then its too late.. How can you not talk to me when we have spent half of our life together and talk to some stranger" Nunew said as tears kept falling

"Yes I deserve someone who is better to keep his promise. And if there's one thing I could change I will change to someone who loves me and my kids, who can keep his promise, who can talk with me when they are having a hard time" Nunew said angrily

"Please Nu don't leave me. I could so anything you say. I promise" Zee said in a pleading tone as tears stream down his cheeks

"Please let me go... Please.. Its too late.. My kids need me" Nunew pleaded as he cries

"Don't go Nu...I need you...I am loosing you.. I'm losing kids.. I'm going crazy without you...Please Nu" Zee quietly said

"I can't Hia...You hurt me and the kids.. 15 years that we have been together and know each other. You were my best friend, my partner, my love, my husband and father of our kids. We were meant to tell each other everything. No matter if it is something too little or not you could have talk to me but no you didn't Hia...I'm sorry" Nunew said as he cried harder

Zee slowly walk forward and wrapped his arms around Nunew and hug him tightly to his chest. Nunew pulled Zee more closer and put his head on Zee chest and cried harder. Nunew can feel Zee tears but its too late for them to be together. When Nunew calmed down a bit Zee looked at Nunew and cupped his cheeks and wipes his tears...

"Don't cry Nu... You should never cry.. You are too beautiful to cry sad tears. Its breaks me into pieces to know that I caused this to you.. I will miss you.. I will miss our kids.. I will miss everything about you.. I will let you go so that you can live your life happily.. Please don't cry anymore....I will always love you Nu no matter what" Zee said softly as he kiss Nunew on his forehead and walked away...

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