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Nunew immediately straighten up himself when he saw its non other than the prince charming. Zee gave Nunew a little wave and put his hand on the table then his head on it and dozed off. Zee came to sleep in the library after his energy got drained doing PE. Nunew doesn't know what he should do or say. He just kept looking at the shining hair under the sunlight in front of him. For few more minutes Nunew saw Zee had really fallen asleep like it was the most comfortable place. Nunew somehow manage to look away and look back at his book and saw he has already reached in between the book. He doesn't remember when he reached there so he went to the first page to start again. After an hour when he look up to see Zee woke up and looking straight at Nunew.....

Zee felt amazed watching Nunew reaction as he gasped, his wide eye and his lips movement as he read. Then the bell rang and Nunew look up from his book just to see Zee wide awake....

"HI" Nunew said with a smile

"HI" Zee replied as he sat up properly

"You are awake" Nunew ask as Zee replied with a nod

Nunew wanted to hear Zee deep voice and he doesn't know what he should do or say something to hear the voice of prince charming...

"Nunew Chawarin" Nunew said with a shy smile

"Zee Pruk Panich" Zee replied with a wink

"I have to go back home. Its closing time. Aren't you going home?" Nunew said

"Can I walk you to your locker instead of waiting here?" Zee ask finally looking away

Nunew nods his head in response and picked up his books and started walking. They walked side by side in silence doesn't know what else to say after all they don't know each other. Once they reached to Nunew locker he put his books inside and some in his bag to take home. He turned and faced Zee while he gripped his bag strip tightly...

"You don't have to walk me to the door P"zee" Nunew said

"Okay... see you tomorrow" Zee said as he gave a wave to Nunew as he left without turning back..

Next day they both have same class. Zee kept staring at Nunew who was busy chewing his pen cap. Only five minutes were remaining when the professor announced everyone to submit four types of flower which means first love as their assignment. Zee for the first time look away from Nunew to his teacher who was writing the question. As soon as bell rang Zee took out his phone and watch Nunew as he pack his bag slowly. Once Nunew done packing he gets up and start walking. Zee wasn't expecting Nunew to walk upto him and stand in front of him with books pressed on his chest...

"You're being a creeper P"zee" Nunew said straight looking at Zee face...

"I'm not creeper" Zee replied as he immediately stand up from his seat.

Nunew didn't say anything as he saw Zee looking at him during class the whole time..

"In my defense...You're beautiful" Zee said as the words suddenly left his mouth.

"You have a way with words" Nunew said as his cheeks are turned to pink as he giggles

"Its gift.. Want me to walk you to your next class" Zee shrugged and said

"You don't have anything " Nunew ask him as Zee told him he is free and to his surprised Nunew is free too...

After hearing Zee mentally enjoy and took Nunew books in his hand which he was holding all the time

"Great let's go to pool" Zee says as they both start walking as people starts staring at them...

"It is ok to skip practice " Nunew ask Zee

"I want to hang out with you. And its not a crime to skip one day from practice" Zee replied

When Zee and Nunew walk inside the pool area it was empty and cleaned. Both of them took seat at the edge of the pool. Nunew place his books on his lap while Zee sit beside him. Zee ask Nunew what book he was reading and Nunew immediately glowed up and he excitedly start telling about the book he was reading and how amazing the story is. Nunew goes on talking about the book and the characters for the next 30 minutes . Zee silently listen to Nunew talk and observe his lips moves, his nose scrunch, his eyes sparkled, and his soft cheeks. Once Nunew finishes talking he pulled out some chips and a bottle of water which he offer Zee and he happily accepted.

Once they finished eating and the bottle of water was half way empty Zee decided to start some conversation as they were in silence for the whole time they were eating..

"Hi.. I'm Zee Pruk Panich" Zee said as he move his hand forward for handshake

"I'm Nunew Chawarin" Nunew said as he giggle

"Now that we are hanging together I want to get to know you" Zee says as Nunew replied with a nod..

"So, what is Mr. Popular doing here and not practicing his basketball" Nunew ask as he bite some chocolate...

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