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Nunew already thought of asking Zee to do a sleepover at his house tonight. When Zee comes back after keeping the half eaten food in the microwave and throwing the trash, he doesn't know what to do next with himself except reaching for Nunew.

So he did just that. Zee went to Nunew and slipped his hand around his husband waist pulling him close and close enough so he could whisper in Nunew ears...

"Jake is a menace" Zee said as Nunew giggles and smacks his husband's arm lightly

"He is your child" Nunew said

  "Ofcourse he is. He looks like a little version of me" Zee proudly said

Nunew sent Mimi to bring her homework when she left. He snuggles in Zee neck inhaling his husband's scent which he already can't get enough of..

"Hia... Stay the night?" Nunew said softly as Zee rubs his nose on Nunew cheek softly humming in response and kisses the nose.

Everyone settled on the kitchen table. Their kids with their homework. Jay was first to get ready after completing his homework he wore a baby blue shirt with sweatpants. He sat with a spiderman comic book while waiting for his siblings.

Jake and Mimi were still doing their homework. Heat up the leftover noodles and place it in the middle of the table with a couple of spoons in it. Zee gets up from his seat and gets juice out of the fridge filling less than half in the glass. Nunew watches his whole family around him. He felt so good doing this again with Zee.

It felt better than Nunew has ever felt in the last one years. When Mimi finished her homework she shut the book and went to put on her clothes which Nunew takes out earlier for her. When she came back Nunew tied her hair in a messy bun and as soon as he was done with her hair..

"Papa I still want a dragon for My birthday" Mimi reminded Nunew

"We might have found one for You".Zee said as Nunew looked at his husband

Jay immediately shut his comic and stared at his parents with wide eyes.

"I did not just hear that. You're kidding right? Dragons are just myths?" Jake immediately said

''Yes we find one it's an Axolotl" Zee said as  Jay seemed to know what his Dad had said.

He chuckled and went back to reading his comic. Jake slyly pulls out his phone to check what the hell his parents had just said. Mimi got excited hearing her parents. She looked at her parents so brightly that she was ready to give the complex to the sun.

"When will I get it Papa?" Mimi asked excitedly

"I don't know Let's see how it goes first" Nunew replied

Somehow they all got ready after an hour and rode in Zee SUV till their favorite restaurant. Everyone ordered their favorite dish. Nunew looked around everyone seated laughing, smiling, talking and eating. He missed doing this so much.

Family dinner dates are always his favorite. And now he felt so good knowing he had this back. This past year he tried looking for happiness elsewhere but all along it had been here already. They had parted ways for a reason but they both are trying to work past that.

They're trying to be family again. His family, his husband and kids. His home to be completely honest they're not even trying. It's coming out to them like it's natural and it was effortless being together. Both boys were ready to fight together for everything, for their kids, their love and for their happiness.

Zee looks at Nunew, his smile so wide and his eyes shining bright. Seeing his husband with him, with his kids Nunew heart swelled and warmth settled in his skin...

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