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Zee and Nunew face both turned pale.. Nunew felt this was wrong feeling Joss hand on his waist Infront of Zee...There was a reason they haven't done divorce after what happened a few months back and now he was in someone arms Infront of his husband. He couldn't be doing this as he was still a married man as Zee is still his husband. They are meant to be together. Nunew kept watching as Zee left with a sad face....

"You okay babe?" Joss ask...

Nunew literally wanted to yell at his friend for putting his arm around his waist but he can't. He knew Joss is just trying to be a good friend...

"I am trying to be fine.. I missed them already" Nunew say as he sigh

"You say that all the time" Joss said with a smile..

When the kids left Nunew and Joss eat their order dinner and settled down on the couch. They both enjoy the movie. Joss put his arms around Nunew shoulder and they share a blanket together. Suddenly Nunew remember he and Zee used to do the same in front of the small tv which they had back then when they started living off campus. They could cuddle under the same blanket and Zee could feed him his favorite macaron. Those were his happiest day...

"You okay babe...what on your mind?" Joss ask as Nunew blinked a few times

"What?" Nunew ask back Joss looked at Nunew with worried expression

"Are you thinking about him again?" Joss ask as Nunew sigh and nods his head honestly..

Nunew continue looking at the tv screen but his mind went to Zee face when his face expression suddenly changed watching Joss in his house. He wonders what makes Zee stop entering in the house. He wonders after everything his husband did why he still wants him. He wants Zee arms around him. He wants Zee cuddling him Infront of tv. He wants Zee arms to hold him not Joss....

For a few minutes they continue watching the movie and both fell in a comfortable silence but that didn't last long...

"Nunew go on a date with me?" Joss ask as Nunew shut his eyes..

Nunew try to find the right word to say. Him and Joss had spend good time together, cuddling, watching movie.. They even went on dinner but it was not called as their official dates but just two friend hanging out, flirting and teasing each other....

"Joss I can't" Nunew said as he move away from Joss

"Take a divorce and make yourself and Zee free from this marriage. Let us start our new life together.. You don't have to hold back your feelings. You know I love you" Joss said as Nunew suddenly cornered himself...

"Joss I can't...I think you need to leave....Please leave" Nunew said as he turned his back

Joss stand up and left without saying anything. Nunew felt his heart is going to burst out from his chest. There is still a deep feeling for Zee in his heart. He grab his key and immediately left. He drives until he reached where he was meant to be. Nunew rushed out of his car and rang the doorbell repeatedly until the door was opened...

As soon as Zee opened the door Nunew tucked himself into Zee chest. He tightly wrapped his arms around Zee waist and buries his face on Zee chest and cried.. Zee was stunned for a moment but he held Nunew close in his embrace to stop Nunew from shaking. Nunew felt safe, really very safe and he calmed down a bit. Zee had always felt like home and safety. Thankfully Zee had always held him tight and return back his hug whenever he needed one. Nunew didn't notice when Zee pulled them inside the house and closed the door...

"What's going on Nu...Did something happened? Are you okay?" Zee ask worriedly

Nunew didn't know what to reply...He just clenched on Zee shirt and just continue crying and sobbing like a little kid. After a few more minutes Nunew finally stopped...

"Are the kids okay? Have they eaten?" Nunew ask without moving away from Zee..

"Yes they already had dinner and they are in Jay bedroom" Zee replied as he wipes Nunew tears with his thumb..

"You don't have to tell me what happened...let's get you into comfortable clothes and I will make some soup" Zee said as Nunew nods his head..

Zee picked Nunew like a bride and brought him inside the bedroom. Nunew tucked his face in Zee neck as they went towards the bedroom. Zee make Nunew sit on the bed and grabs one of his shirt and a pair of pant....

"I don't know if this can fit you but you can go and change...I will make some soup for you" Zee said as Nunew nods and take the cloth from Zee hand..

Zee looked at Nunew one last time and left the room. Nunew quickly shower and change into Zee cloth which was a bit large for him. He had to fold the pants.. After changing cloth he went back to the bed and got comfortable, waiting for Zee. In a few minutes Zee knock at the door before entering and put the tray beside the table and handed the soup to Nunew..

Nunew smiled at his husband and Zee told that Jay know Nunew is here and he might come to check him soon. Nunew nods and took a sip of the soup. Zee watch Nunew drink the whole soup. After Nunew finished his soup Zee took the bowl and kept on the table. He pulled the sheets a little over Nunew shoulder and pat his head...

"Sleep well.. You are going to be okay.. I am here in the living room if you need anything" Zee said as Nunew nods his head.

Zee kissed Nunew forehead and left the room. Nunew took a deep breath and felt relaxed and safe. He is where he should be surrounded by Zee and his kids who are in the next bedroom. This is what he needed at the moment. His husband and his kids close to him....

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