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It was Monday and Nunew decided to join Zee in his therapy session. Jay was talking about some music band but Nunew was lost in his own thought as he was a bit nervous for some reason. He tried not to think too much about it but he couldn't help himself from thinking.

They walked together inside and Jay set his hair his like it look like he just woke up and Nunew couldn't help to resist it from adjusting his hair. Nunew raised his hand to push his son hair down and suddenly he realized his baby his grown up so tall.. Isn't Jay was five year old yesterday while running around naked in the house...

"Papa stop...stop" Jay whine and said

Thankfully the waiting room was empty except the only nurse at the desk. Nunew playfully try to embarrass his son. Both Nunew and Jay were still in their playful bubble when a loud laughter came from behind. Nunew turned around and saw Zee laughing loudly at them. Nunew saw Jay got distracted with his Daddy laugh. Nunew tightly pulled Jay down and ruffles his hair to the point it look like bird nest on his head...

"Papa it took me 30 minutes to set my hair right" Jay said whining

"To get rolled out of bed look?" Nunew tease back..

"Ohh I thought it was a hair flying in every direction style" Zee said as both parents started laughing at Jay..

"You two sucks" Jay said and went toward bathroom

"Thank you for coming" Zee said

"You asked...and here I am" Nunew replied with a smile

Zee smiled back and suddenly everything he felt doing easy with Nunew. While waiting Nunew watch Zee wearing a grey suit with white shirt which was tucked inside neatly. Nunew couldn't take his eyes off his husband. In a few minutes Jay came and nurse asked him. Nunew winked at his baby and Jay shook his head and left. And then when a nurse called Zee name Nunew suddenly started feeling more nervous as he walk behind his husband...

"Hi I am Mark" Mark said as he gave a sweet smile

"I am Nunew" Nunew replied

"Thank you for coming in today's session Nunew" Mark said

"He asked me and I thought about it" Nunew said as he glance at Zee

"Zee told me that he told you about his anxiety?" Mark asked as Nunew nods as he remember Zee talked him about his anxiety

"He told me his side to what happened. I want to hear it from you and what you believed?" Mark ask as Nunew bite his lips and looked at Zee..

"He was never home. He missed important dates. I had a feeling he was cheating on me but I didn't wanted to confirm it because if I would have to be in real. My elder son also knew the person he was with" Nunew replied but continued

"I was already sad because I had to take care of three kids myself and I needed Zee. Then McDonald incident happened. I couldn't do it anymore. But again I tried to lie myself that I hate him but I couldn't bring myself to actually do so. I never hated him. He just made me so angry and sad. He had spent his a year away from us. I felt like I wasn't enough like... our kids and all the years of together was a lie. He made us feel like we are not worth his time even to our kids who needed his time, love and attention" Nunew said

"Did you consider talking with Nunew before separation?" Mark asked Zee

"I did.. I wanted to but I was scared" Zee replied honestly as Nunew snapped his head and looked at Zee

"What about you? Did you thought about talking and find out why this happened?" Mark asked Nunew

"I never thought about it. If he could cheat on me that means he doesn't want me anymore in his life" Nunew said

"The thing is sometimes anxiety motivates partner to act in a way that stress you, strain the relationship or ruined it all" Mark said

"You thought we could fix it....if we... had not separated?" Nunew asked as Zee blinked his eyes few time.

"I wanted to.. Yes.. You and I forever.. I made a mistake, a very stupid mistake. I never wanted to loose you and the kids. I know...for you it was not easy to forgive me but I wanted to try and I would have done whatever it takes to make you stay and I will always try to..." Zee said as his voice broke toward the end..

Nunew looked at Zee as his husband battles with anxiety and fear in front of him.

"Do you know Saint?" Mark asked as Nunew nod and inform that he met him again at the supermarket

"Zee had come clean to me in his therapy session. He told me couple of things which I believe he didn't told you. I wanted to give you one task. Its simple.. All you need is one hour of talk. You both can choose a time and have a honest talk a day for a week" Mark said

Nunew sigh and looked at his husband who was shaking and right now all Nunew wanted to do was take Zee in his arms and hug him tightly until Zee calm down...

"How about 2PM in the afternoon?" Zee asked

"Can we do at 9PM instead when kids will be asleep or busy. I don't want to get distracted or something" Nunew replied

"It was nice meeting you Nunew. The session for today ends" Mark said..

Mark walk them to the door and Nunew saw Zee looks a bit shaken and he wanted to reach him and hold his man and before he could do Zee excuse him to the bathroom.

"Is he really okay?" Nunew asked Mark

"Anxiety can be really tricky but he is okay. He just need a little more time but I can assure you he is fine" Mark replies

Nunew finds it hard to believe at Mark words especially after watching Zee all shaking with his own eyes...Nunew finds Jay at waiting room busy with phone...Jay looked up and find Nunew walking towards him..

"How was it Papa?" Jay ask

"Little intense but good. I feel better" Nunew replied

"How was yours?" Nunew ask back once they start walking out of the door

"It was good and I ask the therapist if I can bring Jake with me next time just like Papa accompanied Daddy" Jay said

Nunew heart tingle for some reason each time Jay called Zee Daddy. For a year Jay completely stopped Zee from calling Daddy and few times Nunew heard him calling his Daddy with his name over a phone but now he was saying it like it's a natural thing and it was....wasn't it?..

"Shit!!!! Can I call myself dumb or mature" Nunew thought

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