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Everyone was silent as Nunew drives his car towards Nat house. His kids already heard their argument and now he doesn't want to show himself crying and breaking down. They soon reached Nat place and got down one by one and when Nunew stands Infront of his friend doorstep he realized that he didn't inform his friend that he was coming. Nunew rings the doorbell but doesn't get any reply. He moved aside and takes the key from behind one of the flower pot. Nunew and his kids let themselves inside the house. He searched for Nat but he doesn't found him so he decided to call him...

"Hey Jelly" Nat said on the other side of phone

"Nat, can we stay here at your place for a day.. we will leave by the evening" Nunew ask immediately

"Did something happened? Is it Zee? I'll be back in a few hours" Nat said as he understood Nunew tone

"It's alright. we are good and we will talk when you come back" Nunew said softly

"Okay take care of the kids and I will be there soon" Nat said..

Nunew told his boys to get freshen up while he takes Mimi to check what they can make for breakfast and walks towards kitchen...

"Okay we are going to spend our day with your brothers and its going to be fun" Nunew said to his daughter as he gives her a quick shower.....

Mimi happily giggled as she was feeling excited to spend her day with her brothers and play all day. Nunew then walks towards the boys room to check on them...

"Where is Jay?" Nunew ask once he saw his son Jake came out of the room

"He's been inside the bathroom for some time now" Jake replied

Nunew looked worriedly into the direction of the bathroom door. He knows he has to talk to his eldest son but like always he doesn't know how to even start the conversation. He wonders how Jay will react after hearing that his Dad has been cheating on him...Nunew sigh thinking what he should say to his 15 year old son who has always look up to his dad. Nunew is afraid that its going to be very difficult to explain Jay about the current situation....

"Guys the food is ready" Nunew yell and soon the kids came running except Jay

Nunew was about to get up from his seat when Jay came out. Nunew was about to ask why it took so long but stop once he saw Jay eyes were red which means he cried. Nunew couldn't hold himself and ran an pulled his baby into a tight hug. He caressed his son hair and rubbed his back a little..

"I'm sorry Jay.. I will try my best to fix this.. I'm so sorry baby" Nunew whispered softly

Nunew doesn't know what he is going to do, how he is going to fix it back but it literally kills him thinking his 15 year old boy has cried because of them..

"Papa you didn't do anything wrong" Jay said

Nunew felt small hands wrapped around his legs and waist. He look down to see his family. Now that he thinks he really didn't do anything to keep his family together, to keep his children father with him. Why didn't he saw this coming, when did it all started.. Nunew now felt guilty because of him the children has lost their father...

"Papa did you bring clothes to change? You are still in pajamas" Jay said once they reached the table

Nunew immediately look down and felt a little embarrassed when he realized that he was still wearing his pajamas from last night.

"I think I forgot" Nunew replied

"I saw a clothing store nearby while coming here" Jay said

"Maybe I can go after all of you complete your breakfast" Nunew said as he feeds Mimi

"I can go and bring something to wear.. You don't have to worry about that Papa" Jay said as Nunew felt grateful to have Jay by his side

After shower Nunew got ready and came down and sit with his children. Nunew then pulled out to check his phone to see if Zee has called or sent any text but there was none and Nunew suddenly felt more angry and disappointed. He then looked at his kids all laughing and giggling while watching tv. They were all focused that they didn't realized Nat came back and sit beside Nunew and hug him...

"Oh my darling babies, my honey buns, my cinnamon roll... I missed you guys" Nat said as the children tackle into hug...

"Now tell me what you all wants for lunch" Nat asked as everyone start telling different things.

"Okay, then we will order everything" Nat said as they jump happily..

"We are in my bedroom and if you guys need anything just call us" Nat said as he held Nunew hand and walked towards the room..

Once they were inside Nat pulled Nunew into a tight hug and Nunew instantly hug him back. Nunew was holding back his tears Infront of kids but he couldn't so Infront of his best friend. His tears start falling down non stop for a several minutes. He felt lost that he has lost the love of his life. For the first time Nunew felt he is unwanted to Zee. He cried in Nat embrace because his children is suffering because of him and his husband..

"Let it out Nu.. Let it all out" Nat said as he rubs Nunew back in a soothing manner...

Nunew choked as he sobbed and a little later he felt a heavy weight lifted from his chest since he saw the marks on Zee body. After crying his heart out he pulled out from hug and the Nat took him to the bed and made him hit. Nat handed a glass of water and make him drink.

"Wanna tell me what happened and no lies this time. Tell me everything" Nat said softly as he held Nunew hand and rubbed it with his thumb.

Nat is the only friend since they were in the orphanage and after Nat Zee was the only one he knew. After Zee he doesn't know find the need to look at anyone else. Both were extremely lose to his heart and now after this day he doesn't want to hide anything from his best friend...

"I think Hia is cheating on me. He never comes home, never calls. He didn't spend his time with kids anymore. I have even seen him coming home with marks on his back. He goes stiff whenever I ask him to spend his time with the kids. Today morning we got into an argument and kids heard us. I didn't know what else to do so I just took them here. They don't deserve this, they deserve someone better. I don't know who is my husband anymore" Nunew told everything to Nat as tears filled his eyes..

"I don't even know where is the man that I married 15 years ago. He is not My Hia anymore Nat" Nunew said as years rolled down his cheeks..

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