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It was Monday night and both boys were talking and texting since Nunew woke up. While talking Nunew asks his husband what his most favorite thing is about him.

Zee takes his dinner plate and he makes stir fried rice under Nunew instruction. So he served himself and took his plate to his dining table and propped his phone against the small vase in front of him.

"I don't have just one favorite thing about you" Zee said

"Same here though. You tell me first then vice versa" Nunew replied as Zee look at his tiny phone screen where Nunew was smiling at him.

"Your smile. It's my favorite thing. It's also the first thing I noticed about you" Zee said as Nunew eyebrows raised in amusement.

That's not new, he knows Zee like his smile but that's the first thing he noticed about him was definitely new to him for some reason. Zee chuckles watching Nunew raised eyebrows...

"It was your first day at school. We had two classes together and I noticed you were alone most of the time. I tried to myself work up to talk to you but you didn't even smile or notice me. I thought I'm just going to make a fool of myself. That day we had our last lecture free" Zee explained as Nunew nods his head in silent agreement.

"I saw you going somewhere so I followed you" Zee continued as Nunew screamed at his video screen...

"Oh My God, Hia you were a stalker" Nunew said as Zee pouts

"What! I was just curious to know you" Zee said pouting as Nunew shook his head with a soft smile.

"So I followed you all the way to the library and watched you through the small window. You were talking to the librarian and she must have said something funny to you that made you smile in return. You smiled at her and I was all floored" Zee sip the water and explained as Nunew suddenly remembered what the librarian said to him he softly laughed

"She said I looked like her future husband" Nunew informed as Zee moods suddenly dropped..

"Gross wasn't she was forty something" Zee said as Nunew chuckled

"Shh Hia she was just joking" Nunew said giggling

"I didn't like that joke" Zee said

"Hia you seriously can't be jealous of what happened fifteen years back" Nunew dramatically tease as Zee didn't respond to that

"Your turn" Zee said as he put the spoon full of rice in his mouth again.

"Your hand and your eyes" Nunew informed as Zee eyes widened in a blink

"Now don't bring any dirty thoughts into your mind...I even said eyes" Nunew said

"I wasn't" Zee informed

"You Sure Hia?" Nunew asked

Zee looked down at his hands thinking he held Nunew a couple of hours ago after their lunch date in the afternoon but he felt like it's been forever he held him. He looks up at his husband...

''Hia You remember the first day we spent time together at the poolside. Since then you've always touched me one way or another, my fingers, my hands, my arms, my shoulder or my lower back. I felt like you're holding me together which I needed very much back then. It was a new world outside for an orphan like me but with you close I felt I'm not alone" Nunew explained

"Baby you were strong. You're strong. You always have been and always will be'' Zee said

"It felt so good under your touch. Especially when we start dating" Nunew smile broadly and said...

They share a few more of each other's favorites like Zee second favorite thing was Win' s passion for books he loves hearing Nunew talking about books then Nunew informed he likes Zee photography..

"Your laugh is my third favorite" Zee said  as Nunew shook his head

"You're so sweet" Nunew said

"You bring it out of me. When I'm with You.

I'm the best man I can ever be" Zee confessed

"I want to kiss You" Nunew said

"I want to do so much. I want to kiss You. I want to hold You. I want to feel You pressed up against me" Zee said as Nunew run his finger in his hair...

"I want that too.. but we haven't had sex in years and I think I won't be good enough for You.." Nunew said shyly

Zee wishes he was beside Nunew right now to hold him in his arms and tell me on his face which he still said looking at the screen..

"Baby I didn't fall in love with you because of your ass. I fall for you because of who You are. You're smart, funny, and a little weird in your own special way. You're considerate, strong and brave and all these things make You so sexy It's You I fell in love with" Zee said...

Nunew just kept staring at Zee face with his emotions filled eyes he doesn't know what he should say after hearing his husband raw words except

"You always makes me feel like I'm seventeen and we are the only one exist" Nunew said as Zee nods he feels the same way

"I know my heart always goes crazy when I hold your hand heck even when I talk to You, my heart beats get insanely crazy" Zee said

"It's like when you told me you loved me for the first time" Nunew informed

"I want to tell you all the time" Zee said as Nunew asked without holding back

"I want to hear it Hia" Nunew said as Zeedoesn't hesitate this time...

"I love You. I love You. You're the love of my life" Zee said as Nunew eyes fill with tears instantly hearing his husband's

"Always and forever" Nunew said

  "Always and forever Only You" Zee repeated back...

Nunew fell asleep while on the phone his one side of face smushed into his soft pillow. For Zee his Nu was looking like an angel. He watches Nu for a bit.

It's been years since he got to see this lovely view of his husband while sleeping. It's been years since he laid down beside Nunew. Every part of Zee being was screaming at him to get into the car and head to Nunew house and knock on his house door.

Instead he got up, put his half eaten dinner in the fridge and made his way into his bedroom. He got on his bed propped his phone against the other pillow. He pulls the duvet on himself and falls asleep with Nunew.

Next week, in the morning Nunew called his husband to bring food for him as he had a bit of work to finish until eleven. Then he's going to be free for the entire day.

Zee took a day off from work and brought a huge bag of his husband's favorite foods, drinks and snacks. While eating lunch they decided to watch movies. Both boys were seated on the Nunew living room couch. All the kids went to school.

"It's either the secret life of pets or how to train your dragon" Zee said

"These movies make me want to give into Mimi request for a pet. She wants a dragon".Nunew said

"Why not buy a small Axolotl for her. It looks like a Chinese dragon but it's a fish" Zee informed

Nunew looked at his husband like he sprouted two heads. He quickly picks up his phone and googles it. He checks about it and its price and nods his head. It's reasonable and they can buy her on her birthday next month. She also likes fish.

"You're awesome. You saved me" Nunew said

"I know and humble too" Zee said with a wink

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