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After Nunew made his way inside Mimi's bedroom he saw her little girl in tears that were almost in her cheeks. Her favorite barbie doll, one hand has came off from her body. Nunew wanted to laugh but coos the little girl in his arms. And while he console her he picks up and take her little girl in his arms. And after he console her daughter he picks up and take her into the bathroom to wash her face, change her clothes and make her ready for the day.

When Mimi calmed down, Nunew bring her out and put creams all over and then he helped her wear her clothes. Nunew started making her hair and telling her daughter how beautiful she looks.

"We are going for shopping, dance, and then lots of laundry and also we are going to sing all day.. How that's sound Mimi?" Nunew as excitedly

"Yes Papa" Mimi says instantly and cheered up in excitement.

Getting Mimi ready for the day took more than 20 minutes. the four year old girl never wants to come out from water once she gets in. When Mimi got all ready Nunew was all soaked in from head to toe. Nunew was too tired but he hold Mimi and brought her to the kitchen. He saw the morning dishes are still soaked in the sink. He let Mimi sit on the chair and gave her some colors and books to get busy while Nunew started doing the dishes.

When Nunew was halfway done his phone started vibrating in his pants pocket. His hands was still wet so it took him few seconds to grab the towel and answer the call. Nunew felt weird as it being ages something felt alive like this near his thighs. He laughed at himself thinking how desperate he is getting even when he is awfully tired.

Nunew check the call and it was his friend Nat. Nunew out the call on speaker and put it near the sink.

"Jelly finally you called" Nunew said as he sing in excitement

"You are saying it like I abandon you Jelly. We just talk day before yesterday you forget" Nat defend himself and said

Nunew almost burst into giggles hearing his best friend. He then wipes his hand after he finished doing the dishes.

"How are you Jelly? Are you eating well? You aren't sick are you?" Nunew ask

"I'm not Zee. We are not married Nunew. I live my life how I want to. But to answer your question yes I'm eating well and I'm alright" Nat replied

"So what speak now" Nunew said

"I had a date last night that I told you about and imagine this guy took me to eat Pizza.. Can you imagine that" Nat replied as Nunew rolled his eyes at his friend words

"Did you just rolled your eyes at me Jelly. Tell me you didn't just rolled your eyes on me" Nat said as he was surely feel his friend rolled his eyes at him

Nunew didn't answer Nat but he instead gave the phone to Mimi

"Mimi say hi to uncle Nat" Nunew said as he place the phone near his daughter

"Hi" Mimi say excitedly as she look at Nunew with her big boba eyes

"Hi my princess. I'm sure you are a big girl now" Nat replies

"She's starting to look more like Hia" Nunew said as he pass the bottle of water to Mimi to take a sip.

"Well all your boys look like you except her" Nat said as Nunew giggle

""Speaking of Zee how are you guys? Still lovey-dovey as usual" Nat ask suddenly to which Nunew froze..

Nunew thinks that its been a very long time Zee had been all lovey-dovey with him. But the worse is they never even held hands or Zee made love to him. He doesn't remember when was the last time when he got flowers from his husband and he doesn't even remember when was the last time Zee was present for dinner at home.

"Jelly are you there?" Nat ask when he didn't get any response from Nunew

Nunew ask himself is something really wrong? He is not stupid, he has seen and heard his husband whispering. Nunew is not stupid. Something was really wrong between them and Nunew didn't know how to fix it. Was all his fault? Maybe something he did or something he said mistakenly. He doesn't know but he wanted his husband back. The husband who use to send flowers to him. The husband who likes to read his corny poems and listen to his stories and say cheesy things to him. The husband who loves cuddling with him and talk about anything and everything.

"Jelly shall I come? Is there something?" Nat ask once more

Nunew eyes filled with tears and he wanted to not cry but it unconsciously fall down his cheeks..

"Jelly I think I have lost him" Nunew said quietly

"What do you mean Nunew" Nat ask worriedly

"Jelly, I have lost Hia.. He's not the same man I married years ago. I feel like we are just room mates who leaves everyday and comes back late at night just to sleep. He doesn't even spend time with his children anymore and they all misses him. I just don't know what to do Jelly" Nunew said as he couldn't himself anymore

"I'm on my way. We will talk when I get there. Just take care of Mimi until I get there" Nat said as he grabs his keys and went out.

Nunew could only nod and once the call disconnected Nunew picked her daughter and took her to the living room. He put the tv and let Mimi see some cartoon while he went upstairs to take a quick shower as it was not the time to cry. Once he was done he walk and saw his bedroom with Zee clothes all over the floor, the unmade bed, the closed curtains. Everything was messy which made Nunew feel like he doesn't belong here. This was not the house, not the bedroom not even his husband he knows any more... Everything feels strange to him....

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