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"Who does P'Zee Think he is.. Did you check his phone, did you find any pictures of that guy?" Nat ask furiously as he got extremely angry like someone slapped him.

"No I didn't check anything" Nunew replied but he once thought about it but he was scared to find it.

"Jelly you have to bring some sense to P'Zee. Don't tell me you just stayed quiet all this time. He just can't cheat on you and act like nothing" Nat said angrily

"I don't know what to do" Nunew said quietly as his tears rolled down on his cheeks.

"Jelly you can't stay quiet, Think about kids and yourself. You are hurting for god knows how long" Nat said as he hold Nunew hands tightly..

Nunew remember when Jay ask him if Zee hits him they will leave the house. He was surprised when Jay asked him and wonders if Jay knows something about Zee. Nunew got scared just with the thoughts so he told Nat about it and he got more angry with Zee..

"Don't worry Jay is a smart boy. But Jelly you have to let P'zee know that you know what he's doing. You cannot just stay quiet and see your house gets wrecked by an outsider. Its not just about you but yours kids too" Nat said

"But I love him Nat. I love Hia too much. He is my husband. My first love and last love.... Maybe I did something, maybe its was my fault that Hia had to go someone else" Nunew replied

"No, no Jelly.. You are an amazing person. You are so much better than him. You deserve more. You don't deserve to treat like that" Nat said

"I don't know Nat. The part of me don't want to believe Hia is cheating on me until I see him with anyone.. He was a lovely husband and a great father for over a decade for us and he atleast deserve this much" Nunew softly muttered as he wipes his tears.

Nat tried to convince Nunew to leave the house and he can stay at his place with kids but Nunew was firm and he agreed only if he see Zee with someone else. Both friends sit quietly for a few minutes. Nunew rubs his hand on his face and sigh. He decided to go back home in evening and pretend like nothing happened. He will give his husband benefits of doubts. He already made up his mind and it seems perfect plan for now....

Nunew still remember when he was pregnant with Jay. He was so big and Zee stayed beside him all the time. Zee was so happy when Jay was born and he played, sing, and danced with his first born like never tomorrow. He remembers the day when Zee ask him if he wanted another child. He remembers the day how badly he craved for macaroon when Jake was in his tummy. Zee went out at 3 in the morning just because he wanted to eat and when he couldn't find anywhere he made it himself with the available ingredients with messing every corner of their corner. In the end Zee was bathed in flour. Nunew smile thinking about those lovely moments he had spend with his husband.

After few years they had Mimi which was an unexpected pregnancy but Mimi instantly become their ray of sunshine. Zee has been there with him in every cramp to every midnight diaper change. He fulfilled all his weird craving to all his silly tantrums. He happily suffered his mood swing and he did everything what makes him happy and feel loved without any complaint. Nunew knew he could have find anyone better than Zee to spend his life with.

"I love him" Nunew said softly as he think about his past while he put his hand on his tummy..

A sudden knock disturbed Nunew thoughts and Nunew quickly wipes his tears and looked at the door just to seen Jake peep through the door. Nat pulls the boy in and smiled softly at Jake and Mimi came in behind Jake. Nunew pull Mimi towards him as sometimes his little girl can't live without Nunew.

"Papa lets go to McDonald's now" Mimi said softly and Jake immediately nudge his elbow to his little sister

"Pewees Papa...unctlee Nat...Peweesss let go" Mimi cutely pleaded looking both Nunew and Nat...

Nunew wanted to laugh at his daughter hearing his cute pleading and his little ones know they can't resist them..

"Ok lets go" Nat said as both kids happily cheered and screamed and went out to let their elder brother know.

Nunew squeezed Nat's hand a little silently telling him how Thankful he is. Soon they get into the car and drove a little further one as the nearest one was closed for some reason. He was feeling a little better with his kids and his only friend and he made up his decision to give Zee a second chance.

"No Running" Nunew said once he parked the car.

It was afternoon and today was not much crowded. It was little quiet too but Nunew clearly heard a chuckle and a familiar voice. He turned towards the sounds and saw a familiar back. He unconsciously got up from his seat and walk towards the direction with heavy feet. He was praying hoping it was not Zee but when he saw it was definitely Zee with a younger boy sitting beside him...

The boy looked at Nunew coming towards their table but Nunew eyes were glued only on Zee's back. The boy frown for a moment and the pulled Zee by his neck and gave a quick peck on Zee lips. Zee seems to be surprised but he laughed at the boy action who just kissed him and ruffled his hair. It was too much for Nunew. His last hope finally broke and his tears fell like a river. After witnessing his husband happily kissing other guy in public was extremely painful for Nunew that he passed out before Zee could turned and see his husband on the floor....

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